Aaah.. ocd :(

Hey there people,

I just was having a conversation with someone I like,
And she likes me too. And I pushed Escape on the chat .
And She sent me ''Okay,.'' And went offline.
Now i'm worrrying did I lost my mind and type something ridiculus?
The last thing I remmeber is that I said something positive.
But did i said somethign stupid without remembering it??!!!!
And will she think im stupid now??

ay ay ay .. :confused:

Do you ever experienced this???



Well-known member
Well, just talk to her again and see what she says then? :)
Or apologize if you pressed Escape unwantedly and this broke the connection?
Maybe she thought she just wasn't interesting to you anymore and that you pressed Escape on purpose?

Yeah, I've thought about silly things like that too.. though usually for something I might have said or not said in RL.. or in an e-mail or such..
Chats usually went okay, I don't chat that much.. :D

Often connections break too, so it may have nothing to do with people, it just happens..

There are plenty of people who will be happy to chat with you even if that person doesn't - and maybe she had a situation in RL and just had to go offline and might be happy to talk to you again later?


Well-known member
I have. When I was younger it happened more often. When it happens to me today it is uncomfortable but I can laugh at myself. That usually makes me smile a little more inside.