A Talk on Intoxicants


Well-known member
Drugs cause madness and phobia. They destroy the healthy state of mind. They give false peace to some extent, but their side-effects do serious harm to the mind and body. Addicts’ bodies are full of toxins, and deteriorate physically. Mentally, the effects of drugs make the mind *vulnerable to evil forces. The mind is clouded by drugs, so it inclines toward sensual pleasures and wrong views.

Those who take alcohol and drugs, become mentally disturbed. Addicts become dependent on alcohol and drugs for mental peace, and cannot bear to be without them. When they fail to get them, their minds yearn for more. Their befuddled minds long for these poisons. Even if alcoholics and drug addicts perform some meritorious deeds, they cannot attain pure deeds and pure results because of their weak minds. Even past good deeds become weak and their effects diminish. Although meritorious deeds normally produce good results a thousand-*fold, they cannot fulfill their potential due to this mental impurity.

- ledi sayadaw

p.s: this is just for information and no religious or medical propaganda....sorry if it hurts someones feelings.

source:A Talk on Intoxicants and Gambling


Well-known member
medication is better than alcohol any day....am trying to break this habit slowly. regards.


It depends on how often you use them.

If you can't control your impulses or you are using them because you are trying to escape personal issues, then yes, it will end badly.

But I really don't think that partaking in something once or twice a month is going to ruin your life... and I also think that prescribed meds can be a lot worse (including long-term damage) than the 'bad' intoxicants.


Well-known member
I would agree that intoxicants can damage the brain eventually. On a more daily basis, alcohol seems to primarily amplify someones personality, numb the senses, or create altered perception. That being said, as with anyone in an altered state, it seems prudent to treat an alcoholic as someone under the influence. I have trouble regarding drug use as something black and white, good or evil. Interesting train of logic though.

On a lighter note, it also seems prudent to treat members of the general population as under the influence--of whatever ails them at the moment.


Well-known member
Would caffeine count? I'm hopelessly addicted to it, but I find the harms don't outweigh the positives, at least since I've learned to moderate my use.

I'll admit I like the positive effects caffeine has on my mood, motivation, and attention-span (I have ADD to begin with) more than the simple utilitarian purpose of taking it "just to wake up." It's mostly about the buzz, for me. I think many daily caffeine users are like this, too, but just don't admit it, haha.


Well-known member
Would caffeine count? I'm hopelessly addicted to it, but I find the harms don't outweigh the positives, at least since I've learned to moderate my use.

I'll admit I like the positive effects caffeine has on my mood, motivation, and attention-span (I have ADD to begin with) more than the simple utilitarian purpose of taking it "just to wake up." It's mostly about the buzz, for me. I think many daily caffeine users are like this, too, but just don't admit it, haha.

It also improves reaction time and slightly increases endurance.

Caffeine is my intoxicant. I don't mind if anyone looks down on me for using it. I love my coffee. I like the taste, the smell, and the buzz I get. Sometimes I have to go a long time without sleep and have to stay alert. Coffee helps a lot.

If I can get away with 30 minutes rest I have a coffee nap. I set my alarm for 30min away, drink a coffee as quickly as I can, and then fall asleep before it takes effect. I wake up feeling so refreshed and it gives me a second wind. If you fail to fall asleep before the coffee takes effect then you wont fall asleep. If you sleep for too long (like if you set your alarm for an hour away or something) then you'll just sleep through your alarm.

Staying awake for long periods of time without access to coffee is horrible. It's possible but good luck staying alert. When ever it happens I usually have to resort to poking myself with a knife or something (not breaking the skin. Just enough to cause pain).


Caffeine is my intoxicant. I don't mind if anyone looks down on me for using it. I love my coffee. I like the taste, the smell, and the buzz I get. Sometimes I have to go a long time without sleep and have to stay alert. Coffee helps a lot.

I can't imagine that it's helping your anxiety.

Brewing Trouble

I used to guzzle it as an energy source for my job but now I avoid it whenever possible--I would be buzzed for the day but also irritable/easily annoyed, then I would crash hard on the weekend and when I got home. It wasn't a good way to live.

I actually had a strong coffee about a month ago and it felt like I was on meth (well, what I would imagine meth feels like)... I couldn't stop talking and everything felt like it was moving wayyyy too fast.

I now realize that my energy levels are fine as long as I get enough exercise... and I feel more in control as well.


Well-known member
Had to give up coffee recently cause it was giving me acid reflux. I miss it dearly. I like the taste of coffee. I never really got the high from it like you guys are talking about.


Well-known member
I can't imagine that it's helping your anxiety.

Brewing Trouble

I used to guzzle it as an energy source for my job but now I avoid it whenever possible--I would be buzzed for the day but also irritable/easily annoyed, then I would crash hard on the weekend and when I got home. It wasn't a good way to live.

I actually had a strong coffee about a month ago and it felt like I was on meth (well, what I would imagine meth feels like)... I couldn't stop talking and everything felt like it was moving wayyyy too fast.

I now realize that my energy levels are fine as long as I get enough exercise... and I feel more in control as well.

It does have some drawbacks, as you mentioned, of course. Among these is occasional increased anxiety (which backs up your theory), frequent irritability, tiredness when it wears off, mild digestive irritation. Insomnia if you're sensitive to that particular effect. The worst of the effects is when one starts caving in to the addiction too much.. so, moderation is important. :perfect:

But the pluses are many: a good buzz is first and foremost. It just makes things better and combats depression/lethargy in a very acute way. Temporary increase of confidence (including social confidence, a major plus). Temporary increase of reaction time, endurance, and sometimes acts as a cognitive lubricant, perfect for creative-writing and brainstorming in particular.

I, for one, wouldn't want to go without it :)


New member
medication is better than alcohol any day....am trying to break this habit slowly. regards.
I do not believe medication our alcohol are good choices. Our planet grows all the things we need to heal ourselves. All properties for healing are within ourselves and its within our planet

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Well-known member
I do not believe medication our alcohol are good choices. Our planet grows all the things we need to heal ourselves. All properties for healing are within ourselves and its within our planet

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Don't alcohol and medications technically come from the planet?
intoxicate me

^To be fair there are plenty of plants and other things 'natural' that are not chemically alerted in any way that are very toxic to humans. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe either. The same way that not all chemicals are bad.


Well-known member
Also the intention... see if the mind is getting addicted to taking something...either a medicine or alcohol.

Developing a strong mind with meditation seems the like permanent solution to me while others have other good ideas...each one to his own i guess...i try n stop medication when am feeling better as they have side effects n can be addictive at times . A good doctor might be useful.


New member
Re: intoxicate me

^To be fair there are plenty of plants and other things 'natural' that are not chemically alerted in any way that are very toxic to humans. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe either. The same way that not all chemicals are bad.
It is known that some natural things are also bad. I was saying there are things natural that are better but the key is the power of our minds. Ex: Stress lowers our immune systems response which make us susceptible to many issues. Good stress helps us but too much stress can kill you. If we used or brains to control our thoughts, which effect our actions,
use meditation and mindfulness or had other ways to cope we can completely control or body's response therefore not needing medication... Sry for the long reslonse its just something i truly believe in and trying to utilize 110% of the time. Thanks for listening

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