A Rubbish Poem From Me...


Well-known member
Well, I was feeling negative again last night, so I wrote this - I didn't put any thought into structure or anything, so it's literally how it flowed from my brain... Ah well, and hey ho.

Emotions (or Pendulum)

Moods swinging like the pendulum of a clock
Backwards and forwards, an endless tick-tock
The clock strikes one and up I go
Happy and willing to go with the flow.
The clock strikes two and down I fall
Cold, sad and worthless with no hope at all.
Tick - Happy.
Tock - Sad
Tick Hyper
Tock - Mad
Tick - Laugher
Tock - Tears
Ticking and tocking filled with fears.
Swinging constantly backward and fore
Never stable, always something more
Disrupting my moods, eating away
Destroying me slowly, day by day.
Love? Perhaps that is the key?
But even that causes disruption for me.
Nobody's perfect, but I am the least.
Something or someone must calm the beast;
Destroy it please, return to me hope.
Lest I give up, just sit and mope.
Happiness obviously was never meant for me
Sadness prevails, I'm washed out to sea
Drowned as the waves crash over me.
Swallowed up by negativity.

Oh, such a happy, happy poem! :roll: And so badly written too, but I don't want to change that, as it's more real the way it is, rather than waiting until my mind thinks differently and "fixing" it. Hey ho.


Well-known member
Rubbish poem? Out of all the poems I read from you, this one would actually be my favourite. It's not badly written really, it rather has some.. rawness.. pureness.. honesty.. in it. Art isn't supposed to be positive, Starry. Nor sophisticatedly structured. This poem smells like the TRUTH. And that's the smell of a good poem.

Like it.


Well-known member
Okay lol - thank you very much...

Hmm, "This Poem smells like the TRUTH" I like that... Hehehe.


Well-known member
Starry, don' t say it is a rubbish poem. It is very well written, like every poem you write! :wink: . And i think this kinds of poems are necessary bacause it is a way of releasing negative feelings , sadness, etc. So it is not rubbish at all! :wink:
I understand you because i write poems in order to release my emotional state too.. Thanks for sharing it.


Well-known member
Thank you Joshueg. :)

I keep thinking how much better it could be though - It's literally unaltered from how I scribbled it down. (In just ten minutes or so lol)


Well-known member
Like all the other poems that you have written, this is amazing. My favourite is still the one about Spring, but this is a very close second. Have you thought about putting them together and trying to get them published?


Well-known member
Thank you very much. :)

No, I haven't thought about that lol... Um, I personally do not consider them anywhere near good enough...