Danfalc said:
if you mean by that, umm like emtionaly scary? yes defintley.I think that films that make you think tend to scare you more than films that just try and gross you out if that makes sence.
Yep I totally agree, that's why gory horrors don't really do it for me - tend to get bored easily. I wasn't finding the blair witch project too bad until teeth started being pulled out *shudders* the thought of that (same with fingernails) makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up bleh.
The only film I've ever vowed never to watch was the Exorcist, I've seen the making of it and it's put me off for life but again that prays more on you psychologically. Is this because it's fear of the unknown?
Hmmm it's weird as a child any bumps in the night were never made me scared that the boogie man might get me, but that there might be a burgular. I think that's where my insomnia comes from, even now if I hear something weird or the security light goes on I go round the house checking the locks 8O
Anyhoo Kill Bill is on at 10 *rubs hands in glee* just hope no one decides at the last minute they want to watch something else otherwise I'll have to rent it
Oh Dan nearly forgot - you're right about the matrix sequels - well I haven't seen them but I thought the first one was summed up to a tee and didn't need anything added. Lord of the rings and Star wars, Lethal weapon, the scream movies, Harry Potter (getting better as each film is released) - for me they're prime examples of successful sequels/trilogys - maybe it depends on the type of plot of how well they work - good directors are essential too though
Mamba if Dan gets to work with J Lo, can I work with George Clooney?