A newbie just wanted to say Hi


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Did i get the last comment right??? you would want to help and chop his manhood off? 8O 8O 8O *looks quite scared*

lmao I never said I wanted to help! Just thought maybe it had crossed her mind :lol:

Darn! and not even a clue for my effort huh? :wink: oh well it's supposed to be on the movie channels on monday, so I'm going to try and watch it but my sis is adamant that it's not a film for her. That rules out hijacking her tv, just have to hope my dad likes the look of it then I can watch it in the lounge :D


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Scottish_Player said:
Mysti said:
can I help if I have a sick sense of humor? hehe

its sounds like you want to help from waht you wrote mysti i think thats what dan was talkin about. :lol:

omg lol you're right it did sound as if I wanted to help :oops: *hides* freudian slip perhaps :lol:


Well-known member

*black mamba stands back and admires the chaos she created with just one picture*

Oh you want a clue? well it involves a long hard object *cracks up laughing*

...yeah, you forgot about the penetration though. :wink:

Its a violent film yes, but the story is so simple, and going by your previous posts I think you'll prefer the sequel as it explains and unwinds the plot. Its actually very touching in the end...complete contrast of the first...the characters are amazing, its a very female dominated film...and because the plot is so easy to follow you can really concentrate on the images on screen...and the music is amazing...and

Ok, someone duct-tape my mouth shut because I could go on about this film all day!


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
...yeah, you forgot about the penetration though. :wink:

8O lol ohhhh well now my mind is boggling even more

I am stunned that they've already made the second one and released it too. I feeel sooo out of the loop :oops: lol
My sister noticed I'd written myself a reminder of when it's on tv - she basically said 'Urg you don't seriously want to watch that do you?' hehe I think any desire she had to see it evaporated after watching the 'French & Saunders' sketch of it. Anyone see that?
I don't understand why she doesn't want to actually, she's the type of person who used to put on horror movies like nightmare on elm street or hellraiser at bedtime so she could sleep :lol: very strange, but she seemed to think it would be too violent for her taste *sighs* oh well.

I actually like films with sequels/trilogys - always feel like I'm missing out on something when they leave open endings - just not the same when you have to make up your own conclusion.

Danfalc said:
LoL, i knew what you ment Mysti
Couldnt resist pointing it out through sowwy

lol that's ok, it's actually funny - I must have read it 3 times to check it sounded right yet I didn't notice the slip - my bad :lol:


Hiya again Mysti

Yeah i saw the french&saunders sketch. made me chuckle quite a bit. Your sister watches creepy films to get herself to sleep? 8O .Im gonna be 20 years old soon ( a grown man supposedly),and yet if i watch a creepy film before i go to bed im lie awake at night wondering what all the creaks and bangs are, guess im a big wuss still. :lol:

Yeah your sister is right through, Kill bill is quite a violent film, i mean i dont flinch at a lot of gorey films, but kill bill had me like "Oh my god, ewww!".But its not a cheap selling point for it like it is for some films

I know what you are saying when you say you like sequals, but its a shame when they ruin the series with a crappy sequal, I mean i personaly loved the first matrix,but couldnt stand any of the others they braught out.The same with "dusk tiill dawn", the first one was briliant but i wouldnt make someone i seriously dislike have the agony of watching the 2nd or 3rd.Suppose in the defence of sequals there have been a few gud uns,like lord of the rings.

Anyways ive blabbed on enough for one message :wink:


Well-known member
Im gonna be 20 years old soon ( a grown man supposedly),and yet if i watch a creepy film before i go to bed im lie awake at night wondering what all the creaks and bangs are, guess im a big wuss still.

Do you find that the more suggestive a film is rather than all out gory, the more you lie awake at night wondering what the monster / bad guy / murderer looked like?

Blair Witch did that to me; I found it ten times more frightening than any other gory horror I'd seen e.g. Saw (not recommended).

I think the violence in Kill Bill is quite strange, in some scenes it realistic, but not over the top, and it others in done in a very obvious comedic way (and of course, over the top!) - but its funny to watch, I didn't flinch once in the goriest scene. The opening was what shocked me the most...

*dreams of being a film director* :)


black_mamba said:
Do you find that the more suggestive a film is rather than all out gory, the more you lie awake at night wondering what the monster / bad guy / murderer looked like?

if you mean by that, umm like emtionaly scary? yes defintley.I think that films that make you think tend to scare you more than films that just try and gross you out if that makes sence.

And yeah the violence in killbill is kinda sureal i guess, it had me cringing and laughing at the same time, specialy with the eyeball sceaniro :wink:
I cant remember the opening scene :cry: my memory is frazzled, was it at the church or was that the 2nd one?

*dreams of Black_mamba being a movie director and him being cast alongside jennifer lopez in one of her films*


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
if you mean by that, umm like emtionaly scary? yes defintley.I think that films that make you think tend to scare you more than films that just try and gross you out if that makes sence.

Yep I totally agree, that's why gory horrors don't really do it for me - tend to get bored easily. I wasn't finding the blair witch project too bad until teeth started being pulled out *shudders* the thought of that (same with fingernails) makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up bleh.
The only film I've ever vowed never to watch was the Exorcist, I've seen the making of it and it's put me off for life but again that prays more on you psychologically. Is this because it's fear of the unknown?

Hmmm it's weird as a child any bumps in the night were never made me scared that the boogie man might get me, but that there might be a burgular. I think that's where my insomnia comes from, even now if I hear something weird or the security light goes on I go round the house checking the locks 8O

Anyhoo Kill Bill is on at 10 *rubs hands in glee* just hope no one decides at the last minute they want to watch something else otherwise I'll have to rent it

Oh Dan nearly forgot - you're right about the matrix sequels - well I haven't seen them but I thought the first one was summed up to a tee and didn't need anything added. Lord of the rings and Star wars, Lethal weapon, the scream movies, Harry Potter (getting better as each film is released) - for me they're prime examples of successful sequels/trilogys - maybe it depends on the type of plot of how well they work - good directors are essential too though :D

Mamba if Dan gets to work with J Lo, can I work with George Clooney? :p


*nods* Ive watched the exorcist, and to be honest it wasnt scary, but i did find it a little disturbing, specialy with the girl who was possesed being so young.*shrugs*

*laughs* I didnt mean i was scared of there being a boogie man under my bed,But im defintley a bit more edgy if i see a creepy film before i go to bed.I know what you mean about the buglar thing aswell, ive lived on my own in a new place for about the last year, and i get paranoid when i hear noises and stuff, and often get up and check my front door is locked and stuff like that.I think that might just be our anxiety manifesting itself if that makes sence at all?

You mentioned the scary movie series! oh my god i love them, well the first two i havnt seen the 3rd one yet but i want to.Harry potter...... Bah! no comment.Um i think sometimes the directors of a film make a lot of money off a film, then decide to quickly release a 2nd and 3rd so they can make money off them while there is still a lot of hype about the first one.Thats why i think some arnt succsesfull like the matrix.

anyways hope you enjoy watching killbill i think you will :)


Well-known member
*sighs* alas I didn't get to watch Kill Bill - I'll have to rent it instead :roll:

Danfalc said:
Harry potter...... Bah! no comment.

lol what can I say, I'm an avid fan of the books so maybe I'm biased to anything linked to the series

I don't have an idea just found this little chap online and thought he was adorable hehe

Actually I've heard a lot of people say the exorcist wasn't scary, so I don't know whether it's all the hype that adds to the initial fear or what, but the making really did make it look nasty. Maybe you're right when you say it's disturbing because the girl being so young. I remember whilst watching the documentary, the scene where she was screaming expletives whilst kneeling on the bed - and I don't know I just found it very uncomfortable watching someone so young especially considering how long ago the film was made in that situation - it was quite perverted I guess. The entity was a nasty film although not sure if that was classed as horror? I think I'd have labelled it a porno horror, it was rather graphic.
I can safely say though, after watching a Marilyn Manson music video my sis has I'm not sure I'll ever be shocked by sexual content in a film again 8O

EDIT - Yep Dan I think you're right about the worries of burgulars being linked to our anxiety - maybe because we fear of something encroaching into our safe place (i.e - home) as generally that's the only place we feel secure we're scared of something taking that from us too perhaps?


Aww that little chap was cute! :)

Sorry to hear you didnt get to watch killbill :(
Like you said you can always rent it or *looks around to make sure no one is watching and whispers* "download it".

Yeah the exorcist is a little perverted, i mean i know which bit your on about and its not nice to see a young girl saying that sort of stuff.And your pretty close to the mark calling it a porno horror, theres one bit in it.... actualy im not even going to tell you because its quite bad :( .Oh and i take the video your sister showed you was quite rude? :oops:

You said you read the harry potter books?Im quite into reading myself, specialy if i cant sleep at night and stuff. I quite like fantasy books like terry pratchet and things like that. What sort of stuff do you like to read or was the harry potter just because you like the series?


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Oh and i take the video your sister showed you was quite rude?

lol umm yeah you could say that, I doubt even the British or U.S porn industry would be allowed to produce something quite that explicit 8O

You said you read the harry potter books?Im quite into reading myself, specialy if i cant sleep at night and stuff. I quite like fantasy books like terry pratchet and things like that. What sort of stuff do you like to read or was the harry potter just because you like the series?

I love to read, I spend most of my time reading Fanfiction. There are some absolutely fantastic authors out there that have written novel length stories, can certainly lose quite a few hours each day perusing different sites.

As far as published books go my favourite author is probably Nicholas Evans who wrote the 'horse whisperer', I've got a couple of his other novels too. I like fantasy/horror although I haven't had much chance to read many of those lately. I've got the J.R.R Tolkien series and the spoof companions of 'Soddit' and 'Bored of the Rings'. I love Jane Austen but must confess I'm rather lazy when it comes to her work and prefer to watch one of the movies based on her stories - the print is always so small in the books I tend to get bored quickly :oops: I guess I'll read pretty much anything but the first 15 pages have to really grab me of I'll find something else.

I've not heard of Terry Pratchet before - I know you said they were fantasy but what kind of thing does he/she write about? (i.e sci-fi, dungeons & dragons, alternate realities etc?)


Mysti said:
lol umm yeah you could say that, I doubt even the British or U.S porn industry would be allowed to produce something quite that explicit 8O

Hmm.... sounds right up my street :lol: Haha only joking :wink:

Ive never heard of the aurthors you mentioned to be honest, reading is somthing ill be into for 6 months then ill stop for 6 months it depends on my frame of mind at the time."Bored of the rings" sounds like it would be a good book, i love little spoof spin off things like that. :)

Im a little suprised you havnt heard of Tery Pratchet, he's quite a well known writer.He does sci-fi, fantasy, and to be honest all his books are like based in a different reality, in his books he's like created an entirley new universe.He's defintley one of the most original writers ive come across. :)

Oh and did you mean harry potter fan fiction? :?:


Well-known member
Actually I've heard a lot of people say the exorcist wasn't scary, so I don't know whether it's all the hype that adds to the initial fear or what, but the making really did make it look nasty.

Wasn't it hyped up as the scariest film of all time? When it was released, people weren't used to the religious imagery taking a beating in that film and it upset a lot of people in that respect, and the age of the girl too had some impact.

So, you both want to work with J Lo and George Clooney? Well before I can let you loose on these big stars you're going to have to show me your acting abilities. Um...Mysti, I want you to jump through this window here. And Dan, you need to walk over these hot coals. Both of you need to keep smiling throughout. Annnnnnnnnnnd ACTION! 8)


Well-known member
Danfalc said:
Oh and did you mean harry potter fan fiction? :?:
Yeah I have read a few based on 'lord of the rings' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' but generally I read the Harry Potter ones. I do have the proper HP books too but it sort of tides one over inbetween releases *jumps up and down in anticipation* the 6th book comes out July 16th...yay!

I'll have to see if my mum can find me a few Terry Pratchet books in the library as it sounds like the kind of thing I'd enjoy :D

Ok two things are creeping me out
1) - Just watched a really nasty film called Madhouse - not the nice one starring Kirsty Alley but a horror set in an assylum
some teens just ran past the house and scared the hell out of me - I can see why you guys don't watch them 8O
2) Has anyone noticed the ads on here change to the content of the posts? That's so weird, noticed earlier today

black_mamba said:
Wasn't it hyped up as the scariest film of all time? When it was released, people weren't used to the religious imagery taking a beating in that film and it upset a lot of people in that respect, and the age of the girl too had some impact.
True, the world is a very different place to how it was a couple of decades back.

Ok mamba just so I've got this set out in my mind. You want me to jump out of a window whilst smiling? Just a few questions before I start my skydiving expedition - just how high is the window and do I get a parachute? wait wait, never mind that.... when do I meet George? :wink:


Mysti said:
Ok mamba just so I've got this set out in my mind. You want me to jump out of a window whilst smiling? Just a few questions before I start my skydiving expedition - just how high is the window and do I get a parachute? wait wait, never mind that.... when do I meet George? :wink:


Yeah and..... if i get to do a love scene with jlo, ill crawl across hot coals slowly still grinning from ear to ear :wink:


Well-known member
Beautiful soul, do you want a part in my new film?

Currently Mysti is going to be jumping though a ground floor sugar-glass window to fall into the arms of George Clooney. And Dan will be walking over mildly hot coals to proove his love for J Lo.

I really need to come up with a plot don't I?

...naa, a few explosions here and there will explain everything. :D