A newbie just wanted to say Hi


Well-known member
lmao omg Dan you just gave me the funniest mental image now too :lol:
No, no... the ball landed in the pond and the dog also being footie mad followed faithfully after, I'm glad to say it's not that big of a pond or I might of had to climb in to save him.

lol oooo tempting as shooting the ball maybe knowing my luck they would make me buy them a new one. They're usually apologetic, throw it back and a great chorus of 'Sorry!' and 'Thankyou' follows. I have occasionally been brave and told them if they did it again I'd keep the ball :oops: but usually get all hot and flustered doing that. lol although actually the pond incident did provide a little bit of revenge. Naturally the ball was wet and ... whoops I forgot to dry it when I threw it back over :twisted: my bad hehe

EDIT: Oh and the dog was fine... just very soggy!


Well-known member
Tried nailing there football with an airrifle that might deter them form doing it again

Yeah but have you seem the news recently, some poor woman who shot at some kids with an airgun because they were terrorising her house has lost her job and ...um, I wasn't really paying attention to the news. But I'm sure its an interesting case.

Hmm I don't suppose you happen to know when the UK schools break up for summer do you?

A lot of kids are on study leave for exams, but the rest break up soon.

Which reminds me, I really need to get back to my revision! :x


Well-known member

Thanks for the info :D

I often forget about the school exams but now you say that, I think even with the mocks they're granted weird hours for studying although I might be wrong. The older kids here have been a nightmare in the past, although they have been much better lately *touch wood* that being said a couple of girls who don't live locally threw a beer bottle over the fence last weekend and broke one of my small water gardens I keep on the patio :evil: I was not amused! *sighs* the joys of summer I guess

Have kids nowdays always been so rowdy or have you noticed them getting worse where you live? omg I sound so old by saying that lol it's like 'in my day...'
If I'd have ever been disrespectful to anyone my parents would have had my guts for garters

Good luck with your exams! (for when you take them :D )


Well-known member
Well I did get back to my revision, but got a question wrong. It was so complicated but basically boils down to calculating how much more heat you loose through walls of a house when there are windows installed. Bah!

a couple of girls who don't live locally threw a beer bottle over the fence last weekend and broke one of my small water gardens I keep on the patio

I hate this behaviour!! My mum's front lawn always seems to have empty crisp packets and bottles strewn all over it. Having said that though it is located opposite a secondary school. Its practically asking for trouble, hell, we even had our hedge set alight. Bizarre. At least you didn't have the beer bottle thrown at you (has happened to me, very scary) 8O

Have kids nowdays always been so rowdy or have you noticed them getting worse where you live? omg I sound so old by saying that lol

I think they're a bit more confident about gettng away with it, kids have always been naughty but at least they tried to hide it in the past!

(psst, think we're gonna get someoe coming along telling us how rowdy the folk were back in their day, always happens). :D


Well-known member
Setting things on fire! Um where is the fun in that?

Ok I really don't get why kids find setting things on fire fun!
Where is the fun in going home both smelling and looking like a chimney sweep whilst running the risk of accidentally setting themselves on fire?
:roll: all I can say is they must be super bored, although as you say added confidence must make a difference nowdays. Whilst they might have commited vandelism and things 20 years ago they probably wouldn't have done it openly. Still seems strange that a lot of parents don't know the whereabouts of their kids though :? Maybe more independance is another contributing factor.

Was the hedge ok or was it completely charred? Can be quite lucky with some plants and they manage to recover and regrow depends how hardy they are, but it's such a waste and for what purpose? Destruction to other peoples property really annoys me, it just shows a complete lack of thinking or caring on the offenders part :x

Were you ok after the bottle incident? you're right I'm glad it was the planter that got hit and not me :(

I dunno kids today!!! :roll:

Hey you sound like your doing well with your revision :D although I agree bleh! to the exam question. My mind packed it's braincells into a red and white spotted hankie and did a runner just by reading the general outline lol, and with only one wrong answer, that's really good going I'd say.


Well-known member
Hehehe. As hard as I find exams I never panic over them in the same way I do over something as simple as a phone call.

The hedge incident...it was slightly damaged but it grew back all its lovely suburban leaves. At least now the hedge doesn't have a fear of children or social anxiety of its own! :D

The bottle being thrown at me incident is a bit of a long story, but luckily the perpretrator was drunk so his aim was off and I got away unscathed.

My theory about these unruly kids is that as parents get younger themselves (teenage moms, ewww) they don't have sufficient life experience or maturity to deal with educating their own offspring and it goes wrong. Maybe, or maybe I'm completely off. Bad parenting bad genes bad behaviour, makes me want to run away from it all. The worst thing is, there is no escape!!


Well-known member
lol omg :lol: ok I shouldn't laugh but I have a mental image now of a hedge with social anxiety.
One of these days trees are going to get revenge for what we as humans put them through. There'll be a tv show 'When Good Trees Go Bad!'
Was it the wizard of Oz where the fruit trees started throwing apples at Dorothy and co? Either that or I'm thinking of the great oaks in Lord of the Rings the Two Towers, anyhoo don't mind me I've lost the plot today, have you seen it by chance?
I'm glad the hedge was ok anyhow :D

No I think you're completely on the mark with the higher level of teenage parents nowdays making a difference. Because I don't tend to get out all that much I forget just how many young mothers there are, but for them to be so clueless over life and definitely birth control etc their own upbringing must make a difference. I wonder if most cases come from a long line of having young parents themselves and because of this think having a baby at 16 is normal, or perhaps more parents have careers now so kids don't get the all important birds and bees chat or just get bored and go looking for attention elseware? I don't know why such young girls would want kids. I've never been too keen on children, the last toddler I was forced to hold peed on me *shudders* and nearly wrecked the lounge. My opinion again could be more to how his mum dealt with him picking up ornaments and stuffing them into his mouth or swinging from the uplighter, basically she wasn't fussed about her dear lil darling being destructive in someone elses home which really frustrated me. Children probably are gorgeous if they're your own and you bring them up in a way you see fit but I think I rather go off marry Captain Jack Sparrow *drools* and have a house full of adopted animals :D


Well-known member
Poor hedge, stuck out there in the open with nowhere to go. Now that must be tortore for a social-phobe! 8O

I think I know what you mean about the trees in Lord of the Rings, I find them really creepy. Do you like that film? I get so confused by a plot that convoluted, keep it simple I say. Someone gets angry, someone gets shot, someone seeks revenge, someone exacts revenge. Nice and simple... :D

I've never been too keen on children, the last toddler I was forced to hold peed on me *shudders* and nearly wrecked the lounge.

Ewww how disgusting! My boyfriend's baby sister peed herself in the bed all over him once, I think he was trying to read her a story. Dis-gus-ting! And whats worse...green baby poo. *pinches nose* :x

I'm not into that whole motherhood fantasy either; never once had the 'urge' to have babies. The physical side of it does actually disgust me, which I guess is unatural for women. Maybe I'm missing a certain part of my brain that kicks in around my age and forces me to get pregnant. Thankgod for that!

<---just had an exam. Went well. I turned up early and managed to get a few words out of my mouth to fellow students. They were curious about something and I knew the answer, so I kinda guess blurted it out before saying hi to everyone. Felt a bit silly.

I had to run away after he exam too because everyone discusses the answers - I don't want to find out I did it all wrong :!:

Anyway...how are you Mysti?


Well-known member
I wonder if they make a soluble valium solution for hedges? Maybe I should patent that idea, what d'ya think? :lol:

I really liked the first Lord of the Rings movie, I've only seen the 2nd once and I'm still waiting to see 3rd. I have to agree the 2nd was a little hard to follow, so I'd like to watch it again but keep missing it everytime they show it on the movie channels. I don't know why but I adore Gollum. Even when I read the book it was his character that stuck in my mind, probably because he's such a strange, creepy little thing I just find him endearing. lol I've always liked creatures like him in stories. Toadwart was my favourite character from 'Gummi Bears' when I was little, omg I saw an episode on the Disney channel a few months back and it looked so strange after all these years.

What sort of movies do you like? I'm probably more into comedies absolutely love Mel Brooks films otherwise a good psychological thriller to scare the living daylights out of me!

Bleh! I'm with you about post exam discussions. It would really stress me out if I did that and they can't change their answers once the paper is handed in so whats the point? People are weird *nods* thank goodness we're sane!
It's been so long since I've been in a social environment but I've leapt in with a comment many a time when people haven't even noticed I was there, which once brain caught up to mouth I felt totally embarrassed.
I'm sure your classmates were just pleased to get an answer though :) plus it's the kind of thing everyone does at some point but being more anxious in that sort of situation, we worry more about our actions.
I'm glad the exam went well in general though :D

And whats worse...green baby poo.
lol oookay thanks for that, *goes off to puke*

actually I do feel rather sick to be honest, not because of that but due to the fact my mum has eczema and so she used some tea tree stuff earlier. Bleh! smells like she spilled it everywhere, now the whole house stinks and it's so strong both my dad and sister have complained about it too 8O
Aside from that I'm feeling a little stressed, I haven't been sleeping too well over the past week due to worrying about finances amongst other things. I had an awful waking dream this morning that we'd had to move and give the animals away due to lack of funds. Anyway I looked over the side of the bed to reassure myself that my dog was on her bed as usual but she wasn't there - turns out mum had taken her for an early walk across the fields :x what made it worse was that the cat wasn't sleeping with me as he normally does either, needless to say I burst into tears :oops: lol feel foolish now, I knew at the time they were somewhere around but just such a horrible momentary panic. My sister was rolling around laughing when I told mum why I was looking so gloomy *sniffles* siblings can be so horrible lol oh well I'll just have to catch up on my sleep maybe my anxiety levels will drop a little then.
I'll have to go and dig out a good movie and try and distract myself :roll: stupid dreams what happened to good old fashioned fantasies of gorgeous but unknown mystery men, that's what I'd like to know! *sighs*


Well-known member
What sort of movies do you like? I'm probably more into comedies absolutely love Mel Brooks films otherwise a good psychological thriller to scare the living daylights out of me!

Why do you enjoy being scared? Are you insane? Oh no wait we established that we're sane, but no one else is.

I can't stand horror films or anything that'll make me jump. I'm into comedies (to cheer me up) and action films (to give me energy) and sometimes even animations because they're cute (Nemo!)

I had an awful waking dream this morning that we'd had to move and give the animals away due to lack of funds.

Are you one of those families that has more pets than pants? 8O

I love animals, but don't have the capacity to look after them. Last year I lived with a couple that had 2 cats and a dog. Beautiful animals - I got to keep them company without the hassle of taking care of them, ideal situation really. Can't say I miss the fleas or cats urinating on my bed though. Ewww :roll: Why do cats do that!


Well-known member
gotta love disney!!!

I loved finding nemo you're right it was cute, hehe and Dory "ooo a boat?", yes I am completey Disney mad but I always feel silly saying I like them at my age though, but then you're never too old for disney :lol:

lol ok not sure if it's ironic you wondering about my sanity over thrillers and myself wondering about your enjoyment of rollercoasters, hmmm I guess I've always found gory horrors boring (think tomato ketchup!) so when it's supernatural or psychological gives me a plot to follow. Must confess I regretted watching 'The Ring' on my own though, for the simple fact that the stupid telephone rang straight after I'd watched it, 8O I nearly didn't answer it.
I like chick flicks although at the moment I'm desperate to watch the phantom of the opera again ( :oops: stayed up till 5am watching it and then saw it again at lunchtime - must remember to hug my sis for renting it). I've always dreamt of seeing it on stage but I can't see that happening any time soon but the film version is fantastic :D
Have you seen it? I guess one has to like musicals/opera but I highly recommend it.

You say you like action movies, is that 'die hard' etc or something with a comedy element mixed in like Lethal weapon? I can't think of many action movies I've watch lately although there are a couple of really good ones with Denzel Washington about.

Are you one of those families that has more pets than pants? 8O
lol um I've got 2 dogs and 3 cats, probably more pets that sense, as opposed to pants but still.
They are a lot of work, glad to say I don't have fleas (nor do the animals :lol:) and even more happy to say the cats have never peed on the beds, well only their own on rare occasions.
Cats are very territorial so it's not uncommon for multi cat households to have issues of them marking different spots of the house when they get anxious. I've got a friend online who unfortunately had to rehome one of her cats when she moved because of it using the upholstry as a litter box.
My male cat only did that rarely as a kitten when he decided his actual litter box was not up to his standards of disinfection. I swear he'd go round with a white glove testing for dust in there if he could :roll: my animals are weird. I could write a book of their little personality quirks!

No pets in your current living situation then?


Heya mysti, im butting in on your conversation again so sorry :oops:
Your right about never being to old for disney films,I mean im a typical guy, and normaly only like films with guns, explosions ect... :roll:
But i laughed my ass off at finding nemo the whole way through, specialy the sharks, But i mean they have a lot of humor which relates to adults aswell, which kids dont pick up on.

You said you liked some films with denzil washington in? If so i would highly recomend watching "training day" if you get the chance its one of my favorites. Anyways ill but back out of your conversation now :wink:
Hope all is well Mysti


Well-known member
No no no, we welcome anyone in here. Bit of a free for all really.

Ah finding nemo...Shrek 2 was even better for me, the soundtrack made it so much fun to watch. :)

I like chick flicks although at the moment I'm desperate to watch the phantom of the opera again ( Embarassed stayed up till 5am watching it and then saw it again at lunchtime - must remember to hug my sis for renting it). I've always dreamt of seeing it on stage but I can't see that happening any time soon but the film version is fantastic Very Happy
Have you seen it? I guess one has to like musicals/opera but I highly recommend it.

You say you like action movies, is that 'die hard' etc or something with a comedy element mixed in like Lethal weapon? I can't think of many action movies I've watch lately although there are a couple of really good ones with Denzel Washington about.

Hmm well I've been to the theatre only once, and having seen the samE producTion on tv a few days later I can safely say that any stage-based show looks better in real life. And what was this show I saw?

None other than....Jerry Springer the Opera! :lol: (hey, it was my birthday, thats my excuse)

Action films - have you seen Kill Bill? My user name is plucked fom that film, I'm so in love with it. Am still planing on dressing up as every single character at one point!

I swear he'd go round with a white glove testing for dust in there if he could Rolling Eyes my animals are weird. I could write a book of their little personality quirks!

No pets in your current living situation then?

Hey you've got a potential reader in me, I'd love a book on quirks like that. In fact a already own a book about strange animal mating rituals - its quite rude, but very different, it was even made into a tv series they showed on channel4 recently.

No pets currently. Actually I forgot I used to own a ferret, she was cute as hell but so vicious!! I think she was mistreated before we took her in, honestly, she would attack us for no reason.

Erm, so maybe for my next pet I'd like a goldfish. :roll:


Well-known member
Dan don't apologise, pull up a bean bag, the more the merrier :D

Thanks for the tip on training day I'll ask my sister if she can rent it next time. I've seen 3 movies starring him over the past few months my favourite was 'The Manchurian Candidate' which was rather mind boggling. I liked 'man on fire' too although my sister was a bit squeamish over the chopping of peoples' fingers 8O Ultimate Denzel movie for me has to be 'The Bone Collector', although creepy.

Dan you made a valid point about Disney, you're right there is humor angled at adults in the movies too. After watching the different cartoons that are about I'm shocked at the amount of violence, if they were action films they'd be an 18! I like the animated Anastasia movie - loved the soundtrack and Dimitri is so dreamy. 8O Ok is it weird finding a cartoon character attractive?

Mamba - I haven't seen shrek 2 yet the trailer looks great though can't wait for them to show it on TV. As for kill bill, no I haven't had a chance to watch that yet either. My sister didn't fancy the trailer so that was the end of that discussion lol I think it might be running on the movie channels at the moment so I'll try and catch it.

Has anyone seen 'I love the Huckabees'? we were watching it last night but turned it off after 10 minutes, just couldn't follow it :? would love to know what it was really about

They showed Jerry Springer the opera on tv? I can't believe I missed it. It's got such mixed reviews. It's the kind of production you have to see to decide for yourself maybe but the critics were harsh!

I'd love a book on quirks like that. In fact a already own a book about strange animal mating rituals
omg lol :lol:
I got a book for my 21st - One hundred secret thoughts cats have about humans

This one is funny -Human eyesight is poor. It's pitiful to see them blundering about, stubbing their toes in the dark, but their blindness is useful if you decide to snack on the hamster at midnight - so true :lol:

Ferrets are adorable! :D

Ok I'm hyperactive :roll: - really should go and mow the lawn... bleh! If your windows rattle it's just me sneezing. Never mix hayfever sufferers with grass cuttings!


Well-known member
I am going to show you a screengrab from my favourite movie of all time. You will feel a strange urge to rent this film out and watch it continuously until you fall asleep....


Can you guess what she is doing to him? :lol:


Well-known member
lol omg 8O I'm not sure whether his expression of one of pleasure or pain, I'm intrigued though :D

Come on Dan gimme a clue hehe :lol:

Did wonder after your comment mamba if she was using hypnosis on him but am leaning away from that, lol I mean is that the face of someone in a hypnotic trance or someone that caught part of their anatomy in a door?
*pouts* I wanna see Kill Bill!!!

Have they started making the 2nd one yet? There were talks of there being about 4 of them I thought, but I might be thinking of something else.


Before i say Mysti, i want to see you get all embarresed and actualy say what you think she might be doing :lol: :lol: :lol:

The 2nd one is actualy out already, has been for a while i think.And yeah you do want to watch it, i mean it is quite violent but its a brilliant film.

LoL@ the anatomy trapped in the door comment :wink:

Oh you want a clue? well it involves a long hard object *cracks up laughing*


Well-known member
lol Dan!!! I can't possibly say what ran through my mind, that wouldn't be lady like!

Although a long hard object eh? :oops: *ponders*
going by his expression I think she might have threatened to chop something off 8O :lol:

Did I ever actually say I was a lady? :wink: I'm probably on the completely wrong track - can I help if I have a sick sense of humor? hehe


LoL, sorry Mysti i couldnt help teasing you a bit :lol:

But no, she isnt performing that well *coughs* certain procedure i was hinting at :wink: Its nothing rude like that, i just wanted to see if i could make you blush a couple of times.Anyways im not gonna tell you anymore,dont want to spoil the film for you.

Did i get the last comment right??? you would want to help and chop his manhood off? 8O 8O 8O *looks quite scared*