I wonder if they make a soluble valium solution for hedges? Maybe I should patent that idea, what d'ya think? :lol:
I really liked the first Lord of the Rings movie, I've only seen the 2nd once and I'm still waiting to see 3rd. I have to agree the 2nd was a little hard to follow, so I'd like to watch it again but keep missing it everytime they show it on the movie channels. I don't know why but I adore Gollum. Even when I read the book it was his character that stuck in my mind, probably because he's such a strange, creepy little thing I just find him endearing. lol I've always liked creatures like him in stories. Toadwart was my favourite character from 'Gummi Bears' when I was little, omg I saw an episode on the Disney channel a few months back and it looked so strange after all these years.
What sort of movies do you like? I'm probably more into comedies absolutely love Mel Brooks films otherwise a good psychological thriller to scare the living daylights out of me!
Bleh! I'm with you about post exam discussions. It would really stress me out if I did that and they can't change their answers once the paper is handed in so whats the point? People are weird *nods* thank goodness we're sane!
It's been so long since I've been in a social environment but I've leapt in with a comment many a time when people haven't even noticed I was there, which once brain caught up to mouth I felt totally embarrassed.
I'm sure your classmates were just pleased to get an answer though

plus it's the kind of thing everyone does at some point but being more anxious in that sort of situation, we worry more about our actions.
I'm glad the exam went well in general though
And whats worse...green baby poo.
lol oookay thanks for that, *goes off to puke*
actually I do feel rather sick to be honest, not because of that but due to the fact my mum has eczema and so she used some tea tree stuff earlier. Bleh! smells like she spilled it everywhere, now the whole house stinks and it's so strong both my dad and sister have complained about it too 8O
Aside from that I'm feeling a little stressed, I haven't been sleeping too well over the past week due to worrying about finances amongst other things. I had an awful waking dream this morning that we'd had to move and give the animals away due to lack of funds. Anyway I looked over the side of the bed to reassure myself that my dog was on her bed as usual but she wasn't there - turns out mum had taken her for an early walk across the fields :x what made it worse was that the cat wasn't sleeping with me as he normally does either, needless to say I burst into tears

lol feel foolish now, I knew at the time they were somewhere around but just such a horrible momentary panic. My sister was rolling around laughing when I told mum why I was looking so gloomy *sniffles* siblings can be so horrible lol oh well I'll just have to catch up on my sleep maybe my anxiety levels will drop a little then.
I'll have to go and dig out a good movie and try and distract myself :roll: stupid dreams what happened to good old fashioned fantasies of gorgeous but unknown mystery men, that's what I'd like to know! *sighs*