A hobby list?


Well-known member
Anyone have good ideas for hobbies for people with social anxiety? I find myself sometimes wallowing in my self pity when there is nothing to do.


Well-known member
I'm just going to throw a big list out for you. I thought about explaining them, but I'd hate to insult your intelligence in such a manner. :D

Archery, birdwatching, cooking, crocheting, knitting, weightlifting, walking, jogging, playing an instrument, painting, reading, browsing the web, yoga, daydreaming, photography, woodcarving, learning a new language, horology, writing, gardening.

Best of all, you can do all that by yourself. ;)


Well-known member
weight lifting , mountain biking , running , going for long walks with dogs , now your probably thinking well duu mrb i havent got a dog ... dude just steal someone elses :) swimming , i dont think getting drunks a hobby is it :confused: anyone ? ..... anyways just anything to get me out the house really ;)


Well-known member
Not sure if you like to read, but I find reading very relaxing and takes my mind of things, maybe you can try that.


Well-known member
Try creating a free website, it can be about anything you want for free! Did I mention its free?;) A good site is yolasite.com


Well-known member
Hmm... rather random. lol.

When I worked at a summer camp and lived at my cousins' house for the summer, shooting arrows afterwards was the best, most relaxing part of my day. Just me, the bow, and that target that always seemed to move at the last second. Standing out in a field, listening to the bonnng every time I shot an arrow, it beat the hell out of dealing with 8-year olds all day.

As far as horology goes, if one seeks to waste time, what better way than by studying it?



Drawing is nice and relaxing, something you really see develop with time too if you put time into it :)

So many different aspects you can study.. color, composition.. anatomy.And so many mediums to work in.