A great site I found


Well-known member
Practical info to help shy, insecure guys get over their problems and improve their social success
I'm not a guy, that won't make me cooler :cry:


Well-known member
That site has some great advice. This however is mixed with some advice that is terrible. The ways of talking to new people he proposes are great but then he gets into issues of being 'cool,' whatever that means.

He actually suggests taking drugs in order to integrate...of course, doing this is a way of integrating but it is not something that should be done. Apart from all the addiction problems that could be derived from this, we also have the fact that that is just the easy way out. What we want to know is how to do it WITHOUT drugs. And some of the things that he says about being weird can be viewed as offensive.


Well-known member
there is no doubt some helpful advice on the site.. however.....

the overall concept of the site is just plain "wrong" ...what defines "cool" to some people may be different to other people.

I think alot of it is a little narrow minded, his description of nerdy people is offensive(nerdy people rock, especially scientists), and its all a bit too cliched.

he is saying that drinking and dancing is what "cool" people do.
well there are cool people who dont dance and dont drink, if ya get me.

the jist of this site promotes subscribing to only certain "whats popular" activities, to become "cool" ....
sure that will help you meet more people, but your doing it out of acceptannce of others(peer prressure) rather then doing it because "you really want to" ....

where as it should promote "be yourself, you are indeed "COOL" no matter what interests you have" .....

so i think this "how to be cool" site needs a little editing.
it feels more like a bible for an american teen movie.