A great short about social anxiety


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YouTube - Dennis

This clip is about a bodybuilder with anxiety. Despite weighing more than 300 lbs, the main character is still very uncomfortable around people he doesn't know. The clip also shows how much parents affect how you become.

It's in Danish, but it has English subtitles.
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Well-known member
Dennis eating with his mom scene was sad....

"isn't it time you found a man?"
"men can't be trusted"
"..............I'm leaving"

men can too be trusted! Dennis's date and her friends are soooo hot. He reminds me of the guy from the movie Sin City. Awww he's so shy and he's DRINKING BUT HE SAID HE SHOULDN'T. Ahhh anxiety will make you do crazy things...he left when those guys showed up...I would have too...I wouldn't have even taken my shirt off though. I'd say no until they changed the subject...

This was a GREAT short film...now I'm going to the gym...