

Well-known member
Just remember that sex is only worthy if its done with someone your really interested in, everyone has fantasies but also its not a representation of your self-worth either and if its a key goal of that person to seek out sex to feel better about themselves then they are going about it in an unhealthy way, first your better off spending time to get to know someone to feel comfortable then the physical side is even more special! not that im a seasoned expert on this


Well-known member
Your only setting your self up for a fall if you base your self worth on if you can have sex.Having sex will not change your self worth.You have to like your self and have confidence in your self.That's what going to help your self worth.

Having sex is not that hard really.If you want sex so bad you could just pay for it but ask your self will that make you feel better about your self.You should work on developing meaningfully relationship with a girl .That will help your self worth.Then when the time is right you can have sex.Sex just to have sex to boost your self worth will not make you feel better about yourself and it's really is unhealthy.


Well-known member
Crazy said:
It's not simply about having sex. It's about knowing you are truly wanted by the opposite sex.
I think you've hit the nail right on the head there.
Crazy said:
Guys are just hornier than girls
Girls look for Mr. One and Only
Pure sex is close to meaningless to girls because of the above

Wow, half my girlie mates shouldn't exist then LOL!!


Well-known member
Some would argue that the human body is merely a tool for the genetic information to spread itself. Consequently, the individual means nothing. :(

We often think of sex as a way to spread the human race, but (unfortunately) it makes perhaps more sense to see it as spreading the information inside our bodies. If the environment is no longer optimal for humans then the genes must change some its information through mutation and a new "container" evolves, ie, a new species. What kind of species is of no importance as long as it can survive and spread its genes.

So perhaps humans are nothing more than the best "vehicle" (so far) for DNA to survive!? :?


Well-known member
Some would argue that the human body is merely a tool for the genetic information to spread itself. Consequently, the individual means nothing. Sad

That's an interesting idea, I never thought of it that way. Not that it changes much in the way one deals with the opposite sex, but still, a nice type of paradox.
As for me, that bit of information that I carry won't go far I'm afraid. :)


I think that's our problem, we anazlyze too much! It makes the whole issue complicated and confusing. Best thing to do is just be yourself and not give a rat's ass about what others think. I think women just want somebody who is confident in themselves. If your not confident in what your doing, then how are you going to father a child and feed the whole family and protect them from predators? You gotta have confidence for that!!! That's why women want the bad boy, because the bad boy is confident in himself! I think the reason that relationships never work is because the male forgot how to be a male! Look at those characters from movies of the old days. Observe how they act around women, all mysterious, confident, romantic, assertive, and content with himself. Nowadays we just have a bunch of metrosexual feminist males running around confused about their genders.

We are male, hear us roar! Come on guys, all together now..... :mrgreen:


Well-known member
alieno said:
I think the reason that relationships never work is because the male forgot how to be a male! Look at those characters from movies of the old days. Observe how they act around women, all mysterious, confident, romantic, assertive, and content with himself. Nowadays we just have a bunch of metrosexual feminist males running around confused about their genders.

We are male, hear us roar! Come on guys, all together now..... :mrgreen:

Ehm, I'm afraid a lot of women would find that type of behaviour to be somewhat ridiculous :)

On the contrary, being a "metrosexual feminist" can be proof of intelligence and self confidence and an attitude for solving the real problems of today's life, which are not exactly the same ones John Wayne used to be confronted with :)