

Well-known member
Yes you just have to realise that fear isnt anything to be affaid of. I kinda like it infact, like the rollercoaster feeling. Woooooooooooooo


Active member
i like the idea - but in my case, without medication, facing them caused severe panic attacks - ironically, the more i did something, the worse it got.
I keep my cell on vibrate because I can not stand the sound of a phone ringing, makes my stomach hurt.

literally, no exaggeration


Well-known member
yeah, I hate answering the phone and especially when you go to all that trouble and it turns out to be those pesky telemarketers. I’m on the phone on a daily basis but I still haven't managed to shake that fear. I think it’s because of the randomness of it you never know who will be on the other end but at least with the phone you can hang up on them if you don’t like what they have to say.


Yeah facing your fears(doing the opposite of what your anxiety tells you to do) is sort of the lesson I learned from Liberty's CBT blog. I've made a little bit of progress using this technique.


Well-known member
I like answering the phone now. I dont care because the other person on the line cant see you. I used to care but im straight to the phone when it rings now. :) lol.


Well-known member
I like answering the phone now. I dont care because the other person on the line cant see you. I used to care but im straight to the phone when it rings now. :) lol.

I did get over it by forcing myself to answer it again and again untill i got over it and it worked.
You've got to have that 'i dont care' attitude.
I've still got other things in my life i cant do though. Working on those.


it's true... I also used to really hate answering the phone, coz I always felt that I made an idiot out of myself. But, the more I do it, the easier it becomes, and the less afraid I feel. I still dislike picking up the phone but I can do it :]
Also, I used to hate doing things like ordering coffee or asking staff members at the shops for help, but the more I made myself do these things, the easier it's become.