£20 pet portraits


Well-known member
Your work is amazing! You really have talent. So if i needed one done i just send you a pic? I'm considering getting my cats done.


Active member
recluse thankyou very much. yer u send me a piccie of ur pet and ill draw it u n send u a piccie of it then if u like it u can buy it:D

Foxglove is this hurting u? why make a comment like that? i come on this forum and i post from time to time so how is it spam?, theres always some1 who has to make a snide remark when its not even anything to do with them. Ive posted in the off topic havent i, if it was in the main section then id welcome a remark like that.


Well-known member
smyth said:
Foxglove is this hurting u? why make a comment like that? i come on this forum and i post from time to time so how is it spam?, theres always some1 who has to make a snide remark when its not even anything to do with them. Ive posted in the off topic havent i, if it was in the main section then id welcome a remark like that.

Sorry, I thought you were just one of these people on here with no other purpose than to push some product, like the one who was trying to sell essential oils or some crap like that. Didn't mean to rag on you :) . Peace.


Active member
ahh no worries foxglove, i over reacted a bit there too so im sorry aswell. nah i wudnt ever try n sell stuff like that on here, im just tryin to make a little money from my art as i have literally no money bacause my anxiety stops me from gettin a job.


Well-known member
smyth said:
ahh no worries foxglove, i over reacted a bit there too so im sorry aswell. nah i wudnt ever try n sell stuff like that on here, im just tryin to make a little money from my art as i have literally no money bacause my anxiety stops me from gettin a job.

Your drawings really are great. I'm sure you could make some money doing that. Especially during the holidays. That would make a nice gift for someone, a picture of Fluffy or Fido :) . I wish you much success!


Active member
silvio how dare u tell me to stop spammin?, ive just had the pleasure of readin a past topic of urs about the girl in the wheelchair. ur fucked up pal.


Well-known member
Silvio said:
Foxglove said:
smyth said:
hello every1, my names craig craig smith, im an artist from derbyshire i draw animal portraits for £20. Come and check my site out and let me know what you think. Thanks alot. Craig


With all due respect, but why are you spamming on here?

HAHAHA..!! Yeah, stop spamming.! :lol:

Oh God, I'm sorry I opened up this can of worms :roll: . Especially because I already retracted my accusation of spamming. I think that maybe the word "spamming" might have obscene connotations for certain people who have their minds in the gutter.


Well-known member
Here's drawings i got done by smyth of my two cats, and you have to agree that they are astonishing. Smyth has talent!




Well-known member
recluse said:
Here's drawings i got done by smyth of my two cats, and you have to agree that they are astonishing. Smyth has talent!



What sweet kitties! The drawings are just awesome. Respect!


Well-known member
I remeber that i liked to do this type of drawing , with some soft B-pencyls

This is just briliant ! Bravo :)


Active member
hey, thanks alot guys:D indeepshit and rado how come u stopped drawing? i find it a great way to take my mind off things. Indeepshit(whats ur real name?i dont like callin u that lol) yer i used pencil and ink on these, i use ink on most of my pics just to give them a deeper shade as pencils dont really go that black. rado i kno u didnt ask lol but i go from 2H and layer my pencils up to about 6B and then i put ink ontop of that to give my piccies a bit of depth. lol sorry for the essay. Craig.


Well-known member
These are fab! I might have to borrow your skills for a present next month. I'll drop you a PM with my details :)