

Hi, I thought I should introduce myself. I can't remember how I came across this site, probably a google search, but it looks like something I need. I'm a shy introvert with possibly some social anxiety issues. The introverted part I don't mind. I love spending time by myself! I need to work on the shyness part and social anxiety though. I like in depth one-on-one conversations, but I have a very hard time developing friendships to the point where that can just flow. I want to find the people I can be comfortable around.

I've been reading a couple of books. Living Fully with shyness and social anxiety by Erika Hilliard is the one I've gotten the farthest with so far, and I like. It's mostly a cognitive behavioral therapy primer. I'm hoping to put some of the ideas in it into practice. I hope this forum can be a kind of support group. From some of the posts I've read, it seems that way.



Thanks for the greetings everybody! I hope I can stick around... I'm a lurker on many other forums. I get have similar anxiety about posting as I do about talking IRL. Maybe I should commit to post at least once a day or something.

@Kat, it's pretty cool what some people can do with photoshop these days!
