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  1. Flax

    I need to create recklessness in my life and take risks.

    Lately I've been wondering if I should do reckless stuff in my life to go against my fear of making mistakes. Like today I was trying to do handstands and really ran the risk of falling sideways onto my steel futon or falling on my back onto a hardwood floor. Normally I'm so incredibly...
  2. Flax

    Persistent fear of being viewed as a creep or criminal.

    I was wondering has anyone in here had fears of being viewed as a criminal? I have anxieties about being near women's purses because I'm afraid something may go missing and it could be blamed on me. I am not a thief and genuinely have zero desire to steal, but for some reason I'm afraid people...
  3. Flax

    Losing interest and passions, why won't they come back?

    I was wondering, is there anyone in here that has lost all passion for everything? Over the last six years slowly I've lost interest in nearly everything I used to enjoy. I used to paint, draw and make things and I was quite obsessed with it. I used to play video games and be totally engrossed...
  4. Flax

    Avoidant Personality Disorder or Social Anxiety Disorder?

    After thinking I have social anxiety disorder all year I discovered I almost perfectly fit the description of avoidant personality disorder. I was reading this site and I felt like it was talking about me ( ). I wonder if anyone in these forums fit this...
  5. Flax

    Do I really have SA, or do I just drink too much caffeine?

    I have been drinking high amounts of caffeine for as long as I can remember. I have had a few times where I stopped drinking it for a few weeks, but I always go back to it. I guess it is somewhat of an addiction. I get caffeine through Diet Mountain Dew. Each serving has about 55mg of...
  6. Flax

    feeling jealousy for the first time, anyone relate?

    Does anyone in here have jealousy? I like a girl I work with and she has a long time boyfriend. I will be having a great time talking to her and laughing and joking around then when she brings up here boyfriend I go silent. When she talks about him I feel jealous and I try to act normal, but I...
  7. Flax

    I'm not even sure if I'm a social phobic anymore...

    I'm not even sure if I'm a social phobic anymore. I read the topics in here and I start to reply and I realize I don't feel like it. I don't get nervous much anymore. Today we had a visit from the vice president of the corporation I work for (I'm a lowly associate in one of their stores) and...
  8. Flax

    Can't sleep, wish I could leave, need fresh air, must escape

    Does anyone else have a hard time sleeping? I am probably going to be up until 3 or 4 in the morning and I really feel like I'm suffocating. I feel like I need to go take a walk or do something. I have no one to hang out with this late (it's almost 1am) and I really need some fresh air. I...