Search results

  1. M

    HOCD: Self-fulfilling prophecy?

    Some people on here may have heard of what's called "HOCD," where someone with OCD worries about his sexual orientation, which then becomes an obsession. So I have a question: Does anyone think it is possible for HOCD to result in a self-fulfilling prophecy? Namely, that someone worries about...
  2. M

    The Seven Year Obsession

    Okay, I just joined here, but there are a disturbingly high number of similarities between me and the other people on here (at least as far as the categories are concerned), so I want to explain something that happened to me once. Perhaps it goes without saying that I have never had any...
  3. M

    Theory: Too Smart for Your Own Good?

    I have a theory about why I'm like this way, and I've heard other smart people often have great social difficulties; that the stereotypes and stock characters are largely based in reality. So I figured I would run it by people on here and see if this sounds familiar to anyone. When I am in...