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  1. M

    Bully/Argumentive Dad...

    i dog meet met am to dsafad dfasdfj sdfj sd asdfjasd a dfasdjf a dfkjdas f asdkfjdsa a dalfjasd asdljf sd lkasdjf asd ladjf dal aue aoidoeh aije sdfh a9e ae ofh
  2. M

    I wanna move. But i'm too afraid

    dsfasd dsfasd sdfh ds sdfhiasudf dsuh sdoh
  3. M

    Today is My 21st B-day...

    dsvv sdf sdf
  4. M

    ADD or a result of NOT having a life???

    hb h i life (lol)??? hg ig uyfg g uiytfg uitfoi guh yftghu yguh iuyf yguuh
  5. M

    Is time getting shorter???

    sdfsd I sdfh s usdhf oshdf sodhf asodfhosuadhfoisdf oidhsfoasdg opsadufh
  6. M

    Why do i get obsessed over men???

    hihh ehsadf osdfj sdo sdofhads asodifh sadofih asdofih sadfhsdf soadhf sadfhua sdf asidufh asdfuhsdfohsdaf adsiufghsd faisdufhsadufghsad sdfuhsad fh