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    Dating Advice!!

    Hi Guys Thank you for your ongoing support. I don't have much experience when it comes to dating nor relationships. I don't know what to expect. I don't know what to do, say or respond. I am at the early stages of the guy I am seeing. He is older and more experienced than I am. He shows a lot...
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    Anxious Guy Advice?

    Hi Guys Really need your support and advice here. So far everything you have suggested has been totally spot on. Okay so me and my colleague had discussion. I can honestly confirm he has high anxiety. Bascially we really gelled today working together. I offered support. He seemed to ease up...
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    Gotta Grab Hold Of Life By The Horns!

    Hey guys Okay. So as the title says with my latest situation - I chose to grab hold of life by the horns. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer’s always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place. I stood by this saying and...
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    Decision Time!!

    Hello everybody. Wishing you all well. I need some constructive advice which you are all incredibly supportive to provide. So I'm sure you all know the story between I and my work colleague who I like. So this week I and my colleague have been displaying hot and cold behaviour towards each...
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    Well they have contacted me informing they were feeling low. Left it a bit. Tried to find out if they were okay and advised there are numbers to ring to help them. Got this response back. Leave me be - I ain't your problem. What does it mean?
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    Quick Update!.........

    Hi All Many thanks for those who replied to my previous thread about my drunken encounter. Anyway today was d day. I was really nervous because it would mean seeing my colleague. Bascially when he came in, he made a joke on whether I had a hangover? He informed it was all completely fine and...
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    Oh No! What Have I Done!

    Hi everybody I am starting to sober up now. Okay so I went out for a drink with two of my colleagues tonight. One of whom I really like. Three of us went to a pub and we drunk alcohol. The guy I like sat next to me and from the word go, he seemed incredibly nervous and anxious. Even when he...
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    My Work Colleague!

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    One More Is It Too Much?

    I live in a four bedroom victorian house. There are three adults present in the house. At present we have: 1) 8 year old dog 2) 6 month old puppy 3) 2 ten month old kittens We really want to re-home another cat ideally a kitten. We have a lot of love to give. I asked advice from our local...
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    Is This Normal?

    Is it wrong not to care about anyone anymore? Is it wrong the human kind just doesn't do it for me anymore? I have worked in the social care field for four years now. I have been in my current new role for almost three months. I'm 50/50. I care about ensuring I can do my work on time and meet...
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    Unsure As To Whether To Contact Him?

    My friend and I used to be good friends. Talk on the phone to each other etc. Then it stopped because he became isolated and lost contact with all his friends. He suffers with Social Anxiety and Schizo-affective Disorder. His isolation has caused him a lot of depression and stress. He rarely...
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    Lost All Motivation At Work!

    Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your evening! I have been working in my current work environment for the past three years. I have recently got a new promotion for a higher paid and a higher grade job. The new role is still within the same work environment. Working with...
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    Advice Needed Please?

    Hello everyone First of all, my apologies for being away from the forum for quite a while. It's been a rough last six months especially after losing my mum. But I am getting through it. Quite a while ago, I posted a thread about being in love with one of the service user's I support. Here is...
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    My Job Interview

    Hi everybody I hope you are all okay! I have a job interview tomorrow for a Team Leader role. I am currently working as a Support Worker and have been for 3 years. I am looking to aim higher. Looking for a more responsible role that deals with working and supporting others. I am a little...
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    New Year's Resolutions

    As we are all about to face the new year. What are your new year's resolutions?
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    Final Question!

    N/A.................... N/A...........
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    How Physical And Mental Health Needs May Be Linked And May Impact On One Another?

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    Health And Social Care Nvq Level 3

    Does does anyone know once completed an Health and Social Care Level 3 NVQ. Where it can lead too? What kind of jobs you can apply for?
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    Supporting Someone With A Food Addiction!

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    New Key Client Advice!

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