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  1. IceLad

    26 today, but going on 18

    I've turned 26 today, but in my mind I feel 18. I just don't feel as if I've got my life started yet. Sometimes, its so frustrating seeing friends and family getting on with their lives. Dos anyone else feel younger then they really are? :?
  2. IceLad

    Do you hide the truth?

    I think I make myself even more anxious and exhausted spending time covering up my social anxiety from everyone. I guess I've covered up for years due to worrying what people might think of me as a result. Funny thing is, I think a lot of people have worked out anyway that I'm a very nervous...
  3. IceLad


    I had a pretty demoralising experience today. After planning what I was going to buy and from which shop, I came close to having a panic attack while being served. The assistant took ages and ages to get the transaction sorted. The longer he took, the more I got anxious and the more I started...
  4. IceLad

    'Safe' behaviours and routines

    Every so often I realise how badly I stick to 'safe' behaviours and routines, and therefore how much I'm limiting my life. I tend to wear the same type of clothing- jeans and a T-shirt, visit the same shops even though the service is sometimes rubbish, stick to eating the same foods, and end up...
  5. IceLad

    How did you meet your partner?

    As someone who has never had a partner, I'm just wondering how other people with social anxiety managed to meet their girlfriend/ boyfriend. What do they think of your social anxiety?