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  1. E


    Is constant embarrassment related to social phobia? I'm wondering sometimes whether my embarrassment is rational, or whether this is abnormal. Right now I am still dying of embarrassment over what happened today in what I described in another thread. I feel like such a freak. This is the only...
  2. E

    Where are you located?

    I've noticed there are a lot of people from Australia and other parts of the world on this forum. I was just curious where everyone is located. I'm in the eastern United States outside of Washington DC in Maryland.
  3. E

    Rude Female customers...

    I work at a store, and I've noticed that the worst of the worst customers I've had have been female. I am female myself, so I'm not trying to be sexist..but I just can't help notice this. Today a woman made me cry (well I waited til I went to the bathroom...) okay so maybe I wouldn't have...
  4. E

    feeling embarrassed all the time

    I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but I feel embarrassed about how awkward i act sometimes. like today at work, in the morning when i'm tired i'm even more awkward. I was just being weird i felt. then later i stayed on the phone w my boyfriend in the breakroom just because i had...
  5. E

    how to tell someone you don't want to do something with them

    I have this friend...she lives down county but when we get together she expects me to drive down to see her (which i wouldn't mind would it not be for the traffic in our area, especially since she always asks me to come at rush hour, yes DC rush hour...). I understand she doesn't have a...
  6. E

    Forced to work ungodly hours on Black Friday!

    I have a big dilemma. I'm in school but I also work retail @ Target. It can be very anxiety provoking for me, especially since I work as a cashier and have to talk to so many people, many of whom are very rude... I wonder sometimes if other people who I work with have anxiety sometimes...
  7. E

    Exclusive people

    Do you ever get a little irritated at how exclusive people can be towards people who are shy? I can be outgoing and friendly in circles where I feel welcome/I know someone, but usually I can be reserved and passive. Usually I do better when talking one on one with someone who has a personality...