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  1. Sammie_Kay

    depression, work burnout,stress and anixty rant.. just need to get it out

    I have been starting a "remember you got this done" list to try to keep my positive attitude up and negative voices down while being at work. You are very welcome for the message =)
  2. Sammie_Kay

    depression, work burnout,stress and anixty rant.. just need to get it out

    It is stressful but I much rather be in retail then in food service. Big props to anyone working in a restaurants. I have been luckily enough to keep and hold on to my job in this craziness. I have been doing a lot of soul searching. My mood has come up a little but we shall see what the week...
  3. Sammie_Kay

    depression, work burnout,stress and anixty rant.. just need to get it out

    I do get days off. I am thinking that my over thinking and my not letting myself to accept that not everything is as big deal as my brain is making it. lately on my days off i have plans I wanna get done but my depression has just made me not do very much and then i end up being so hard on...
  4. Sammie_Kay

    How are you feeling?

    feeling emotional drain, burnt out from the job and depressed. with a smile and a chuckle,,i sure do know how to hide it deep inside tho. thanks for being here.
  5. Sammie_Kay

    depression, work burnout,stress and anixty rant.. just need to get it out

    Hello everyone, My name is Samantha and I am new here. Not really but I never post on here. I have a lot of social anxiety and it cause a lot of my depression. It also cause me to over work and lately it has cause me to have major work burn out. I really need to talk to someone cause the...
  6. Sammie_Kay

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    Going through a mentally hard time right no. Glad I have this place to go to.
  7. Sammie_Kay

    What do you do when?

    Hey guys, I have been over thinking a lot of things lately and then my mind and thoughts are all over the place and end up not getting much stuff done. I sometimes get way obsessed and just focus on that thought or subject for hours at a time. It is starting to really drive me crazy and drain...
  8. Sammie_Kay

    Any advice for me?

    Hey guys! I feel like this is the only place I can really spill my guts. Right now I am kinda sorta chasing my life. Trying to find out if what I think my dream job really my dream or just a fantasy. I sorta have a game plan but I just cant seem to set it in to motion. I suppose its because...
  9. Sammie_Kay


    Ugh I HATE the holidays! mostly cause I know its a time when everyone is supposed to be together with there familys and friends and well im not, im just sitting alone by myself. I wish I could have a big party and hang out with everyone that I love but it just isnt gonna happen. I know one day I...
  10. Sammie_Kay

    ugh! I need some help!

    I am sooo sick of not having a job. I need a job. Tonight I tired to fill out some apps online but I keep finding any little thing to stop me. I know its not easy and that I shouldn't let anything stop be but I am. I wish I had some one to just come and give me a job. People that have...
  11. Sammie_Kay

    When people ask you the worst question ever...

    One of my biggest pet peeves i guess you could call it is when someone ask me What im up to like if im working or if im in school. I already put myself though hell cause im not and i never know what to say cause i know when i say im not they are gonna ask why and just is rally embarrassing...
  12. Sammie_Kay


    Hello everyone! I found this forum a while ago and I thought wow people just like me, so I was a lurker but not really big in to forums so i never joined, the other day i was pretty down and feeling blue and i decided that i should sign up and start posting cause I needed some one to talk to...