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  1. A friend

    Hey guys...

    Um, yesterday some weird guy on youtube tried to hook me up with some creepy person pretending to be a girl when she was actually a middle-aged man...and I went insane posting all kinds of crazy stuff, and I freaked out all my youtube friends and they won't talk to me anymore. I'm still just...
  2. A friend

    Is it wrong to date a girl younger than yourself?

    (I feel better than I did yester day! :D) Sorry if I sound stupid... But...Well... I was browsing facebook yesterday...and I noticed some beautiful girls (some were even single), and I kind of had a slight amount of interest in them...And...half of them were 16-17 (and I'm 20).... Is it...
  3. A friend

    Obession on the verge of killing me

    Does anyone know how I can grab control of my mind and just relax? I've been forcing thoughts and desires out of my mind, and I almost threw up last night because I've been trying to think and feel nothing but happy thoughts...And although this I got the positive thoughts and feelings in my...
  4. A friend

    (sorry if I posted this in the wrong area)

    Last week, I experienced something that made me feel sick for three days... I was doing well with my work on getting rid of needing a soul-mate, and I was almost finished with becoming asexual...And the night after, I had a nightmare which involved me drowning in a sewer full of disgusting...
  5. A friend

    How many single people are there?

    (sorry if I posted this in a wrong area) Just out of curiousity, how many people in the world are single?
  6. A friend

    Another bad problem

    ::(: After months of fixing mental/emotional/psychological problems, I've suddenly reverted back to a state of previous mentalities. For some reason, I seem to have gone mentally unstable, even when I'm happy, I suddenly go forward to a really mature state, or go to the opposite. Or I revert...
  7. A friend

    Mental breakdown soon! :(

    I'm sorry I'm bugging you guys again....but....... Well....Even though the single forever problem is almost fixed, I've been flooded with repressed problems that I didn't talk to anyone about until recently. All the political discussions I've watched heard, and been involved in...The anxiety...
  8. A friend

    Tortured by something incredibly stupid

    Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have to come here and post this, but there's no where else that can help me (yahoo answers in useless). Well, I've been depressed for months due to the fact that I'm single, and I'm now convinced that this may be something that will be a permanent stamp on my...