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  1. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    I'm feeling pretty annoyed by some people right now. But it's okay.
  2. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    To get that rep back, you need to find the biggest, baddest looking dude there, and then beat the absolute doodoo out of him. At least that's how they do it in prison, so I've heard. Prison is like real life, right?
  3. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    I have a confession. I like wearing masks in public. No one can see how paranoid I look because they can't see my frown. Or maybe looking like a ninja just makes me feel good. Dunno which.
  4. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    I think you'll be able to build physical endurance for the job as the weeks go by. 💪
  5. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    The worst ever. Stay strong.
  6. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    Female chauvinist pig
  7. Miserum

    How are you feeling?

    Very cool image. A bit sad it's not a very fluffy orangutan, but nevertheless, it is a very cool octopus.
  8. Miserum

    How are you feeling?

    @NathanielWingatePeaslee What is your avatar supposed to be? It's really been bothering me. I can't tell if it's a really fluffy orangutan or some sort of weird nebula, or neither. I urgently await your response.
  9. Miserum

    I am so depressed

    I am coming out as a validation seeker.
  10. Miserum

    I am so depressed

    Self God-Damn Respect My mother, from what I've seen, has been a doormat her entire life. And guess who raised yours truly? It makes me so fucking sad. For the pain she's had to suffer for being a pushover (probably from her parents not knowing much how to be parents), as well as the pain I've...
  11. Miserum

    I am so depressed

    Sometimes I feel that all of the mockery, dislike, and alienation from others is for good reason. Sometimes I really just want to give up. But I'm not going to. I will not stop striving to figure this chaotic life out until the second I take my last breath.
  12. Miserum

    Loyal's Thoughts

    Some friendships just need to die. You'll be okay. Don't let it consume you. :)
  13. Miserum

    I am so depressed

    I think I might whine too much: Maybe I should reserve the whining for only a journal and therapist. If theres no solution to be proposed, I'm just a gnat in someone's ear.
  14. Miserum

    I am so depressed

    I feel like I'm on the verge of either going completely insane or making real headway in my life. That isn't hyperbole. Life seems to become more confusing and at the same time make more sense with each passing day. I wonder who I'll be in ten years.
  15. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    That someone:
  16. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    The only thing that notified me was my need for a notification dopamine rush and a keen eye.
  17. Miserum

    Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

    Seems you've been having domestic trouble with coffee lately. :LOL:
  18. Miserum

    How are you feeling?

    My 30 minutes of worrying is spread out throughout the day. I count whenever I find myself ruminating/worrying as part of that 30 minutes. I don't block off an entire half-hour chunk to do it. I think if I added up all the times I worry throughout the day, the sum would easily be 30 minutes or...
  19. Miserum

    How are you feeling?

    The crackheads got to you, didn't they?
  20. Miserum

    How are you feeling?

    @SilentAndShy By the way, the way I personally practice "not overthinking" is by staying cognizant of my thought flow throughout the day. If I feel that I'm overthinking about something, I literally stop myself from thinking about it. I just tell myself to block it out and then I turn my focus...