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  • I did really like the manga. I've never seen the anime, I wonder how well it compares... maybe I'll have to find it and watch it :)
    Is that Sunako in your avatar? I just recently finished reading some of "The Wallflower" manga- somehow it stood out to me on the library shelf, I can't imagine why :rolleyes:::p:
    Wie geht's? Meine Familie muetterlicherseits kommt urspruenglich aus
    Danke, dass Du mit mir bei dieser Website befreundet bist. Verzeihung, wenn ich auf Deutsch Fehler mache.
    Sadly I know very little German. May I ask where in Germany you are from? No, you do not have to answer.

    I plan on travelling one of these days. Germany is a place I definitely want to see.
    Hi; I'm new here too. I also am having trouble fitting in. When you don't feel you fit in at a Group which is especially for Social Phobia etc; that really hurts. I don't like the Chat-rooms and am more comfortable one on one. Please PM me back if you feel like it.
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