Oh please , I want to be calm


I just want to share something very important what is happening to me for years already...

I was in the train today.. I saw people looking at me.. And I kept on feeling ' Oh no they are putting their eyes on me , I am going to pass out.. Help me''

And so I got short breath... I was literally crying os they looked more.. I had my head in my hands...so a woman next to me said '' Is everything ok?''

Then I ran away, got my bag real quick (wtih stress) and dropped it down and got it back, and I sat in the toilet.. And was almost escaping my body..Like the world did not seem real..

This was TERRIBLE....

And I still have it tonight...

Oh please I want to be calm..

My body is light... My head is light... I feel tingling everywhere..

I feel my muscles being tensed..

My body does not feel good...

I can only get mad for it.. And scream.. But I won't of course.. I feel like beating myself up..

What should I do/....

I wish I could take oxasepam, but I should not do it.. I had an addiction for it a few months ago... For 2 years. I took 3 everyday. cus of THIS HORRIBLE MONSTER..

What should I do people , I am devastated...


Well-known member
You are an attractive and nice looking girl. It's normal for people to "put eyes" on you. Don't view it as a threat or feel ashamed.
I think people like us (who suffer from SA) view others as a threat. This causes us to feel anxious and in your case to panic.

Sorry you had to go through that! I hope you get better without medication.


Well-known member
I stiffen up when I notice many people looking at me and my breathing becomes irregular, as if I'm hyperventilating. But I'm more afraid of people noticing that I'm looking at them because then they'll accuse me of staring at them.