Recent content by VioletOblivia

  1. VioletOblivia

    Anxiety as a trigger for other health issues?

    Hi all, Does anyone else have other, more physical, health issues that are set off by anxiety? I suffer from migraine associated vertigo, IBS, GERD, chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia and find that stress can make all of them worse. Even all at once sometimes which can make for a very...
  2. VioletOblivia

    Freaking out over sexual intimacy

    Hi all, This will be my first post as it's currently what's causing me the most issues. I've been single for around 12 years (the last guy and his mum bullied the confidence right out of me and hurt me so much, I didn't want to let anyone else near me) but I met someone a week or so ago. The...