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  • Hi.I think some people outside Australia in Europe etc,think that there are not many ethnic minorities in Australia.I would include myself in that until recently.I thought that was largely the case apart from some Aboriginals and asians,who live there ,despite me being fairly well read and sensible.Sensible some times.Heehe.

    It was when I met a black person recently who lived in Australia and told me about the amount of diversity in parts of the country,that my eyes were opened.Aussie shows like Neighbours dont help the stereotype to be honest.

    Other stereotypes are that alot of Aussies,use alot of phrases like fair income,strewth etc and they are not keen on the Brits.How true or false is that.
    Hi.It says you live in Austrailia on your profile.What are some of the incorrect stereotypes about Austraila and the people who live there.
    thanks for your words. i haven't logged on for a while. anyway as you can see from the nice guy thread, almost all people hated the ideas i took the notes on. nobody could see past the very important point that you don't have to change who you are. When people look at this "pick up artist" stuff, they all think the same thing: that it's manipulative, that you have to change who you are, etc. But that is not true. You HAVE to stay as yourself for any of it to work authentically. It's really sad that nobody but you have noticed that there is important information there that really can get to the bottom of social anxiety and how to talk to women and basically, CURE men of love-shyness.
    I know, I am putting most, not all, but many of the concepts i learned in place, as well as many others. I have a lot of information that I'm in the process of taking notes on and if you're interested i will share them with you as i get this info.
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