Recent content by Sidekix

  1. S

    IM convo’s

    We are always curious as to what to talk about. Post some up for here maybe we can learn a thing or two from social interaction. If not then just for entertainment value!:D
  2. S

    What’s that smell?

    What's the most stinkiest smell you have smelt beside from the typical offenders? For me it was Las Vegas. The moment I got off the plane there was a strong, pungent, odor of alcohol that hit me, in the face and I swear it did not leave my nose until I left.
  3. S

    L M A O Joke thread!

    We are all here because we feel bad at times, this is the thread to come visit in order to change that, at least we hope so. A blind man was walking down the street with his dog. They stopped at the corner to wait for the passing traffic. The dog, at this point, started pissing on the mans leg...
  4. S

    Sidekix is here!

    Hi, everybody just making my first post here. I feel kind of down sometimes so that’s why I have joined. I have a funny joke for you guys Yo mamma is so stupid she sits on the tv and watches the sofa….. Isn’t that funny?:D