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  • haha oh no. you like lots of fruits but not bananas? :|
    i thing grapes taste to much sugar, ugh. strawberrys on the other hand, nom nom!
    the good way for sure :p

    hahah i use that phrase all the time so i guess it's already stuck in my head. you can also replace bananas to grapes, apples or another fruit. speaking of flying bananas, what's your favourite fruit? kiwi?
    uhm, guess i'm to slow to understand your dot thing anyway.

    i was downloading that one before and my computer went bananas, and i don't know why. i'll give it another try though because the trailer is quite fun!
    okay, i'll definitely give it a try then.

    HAHAHAH! dear god :'D it's funny when dexter dances too! anyhow, tell me later what you think about it!

    you're so successful, aren't ya :D what did you mean with the dots btw?
    ''dang'' what a funny word, hah!
    haha, i know. it's aired pretty late here too, but i know i can't sleep anyway so wth :)
    ah, i love weeds! i'm not very into dexter because i never really gave it a chance, maybe i should because he's kinda pretty ha ha. no, srsly though, i've heard he's got cancer :(
    have you seen 'gamer? it's a great movie!

    what's up with all the dots btw?

    ah, you can always download some episodes! , 2 and a half men is quite fun sometimes but everybody hates chris .. hm.
    what do you think about grey's anatomy? :D
    me too :( don't know if you understood that, haha. anyho, our jokes are bad.

    ofcourse it's sheldon, he's my hero .. after matthew ofcourse. do you like the big bang theory? :D
    you don't have to mark an X, wth! doctors are not surgeons, rui. It's a surgeons job to mark and to cut :p
    oh, right. i was thinking of something like that too but i realized i'm bad at math, i mean, x and y? that's for pirates not doctors. :(
    sounds complicated, exams and degrees? are you at high school or uni? :|
    damdidamn, i don't want to grow up and be a grown-up.

    i study 'care' and i hate it. when i finish school i'll probably die of boredom.
    you know i can prove you wrong :)

    oh no, poor you. but you don't have much time left, that must be a relieve! i'd like to sleep til 1pm too. i envy you .. what can you do with your exam? i mean, further education or something? :p

    srsly? do you have to present 25 pages too? :||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
    in a bad way, yes.

    haha i googled it, and the right name is stomach flu :')

    yeah, guilt .. like i'm bothering someone with my silly problems. but sometimes it helps to vent.

    oh dear, i hate teachers. why can't they just give us a simple writing assignment.
    don't you have a winter break (we call it sports break) before the easter break?
    what happens after your exam? any plans?

    I'm feeling better, thank god. but i'll probably stay home from school tomorrow .. it's always a hard time to come back. sucks big time.
    heeh dont worry, dom howard only has ever had one drum lesson in his life and look at him now :) plus ur saving money by not having to take lessons all the time... maybe can save for some gear :p

    I'm the same as you.. ive been starting to get into jazzy stuff ever since i started drumming.. been practicing some max roach stuff and playing around with 16th triplets atm

    I would like to get that book off ya :) I'll definitely need some practice with stick control... my doubles need some work too and i wanna build up speed in general. you can email it to me.. check ur pm...
    lucky you! there's almost only blondes here, haha.

    Yeah it's quite tough. she's in kindergarten on weekdays and she brings home a lot of bacteria. Yesterday i got the winter vomiting disease, thanks to her kindergarten, damned kids. she's my sisters 'baby girl' btw :p

    nah, it's ok. i'm just a crybaby. yeah, music never fails. thanks, R.

    I like science fiction to a certain level. i'll check it out! :D

    awh. feeling lonely is terrible but sometimes i enjoy it. I don't know how i would behave if i had company, hah. how are you feeling today?
    yeah :D, about red hair .. is it common in your country? how is it viewed there?

    that's really late :| i wake up 8 in the morning even though i stay up late, that's just not fair. if i didn't live with a one-year old girl i'd probably sleep my life away. yeah, it's pretty much her fault :p

    You should tell her one day when you feel strong about it. As an impulse thing to get it over with. mothers tend to be more sympathetic than fathers.

    hey, good luck with that. we should totally drug ourselves before a presentation.

    It's going, i'm still alive, whatever that means. i had a really bad day, a really bad week, and i'm having a really bad life. yeah you know the story.
    I just finished 500 days of summer .. i guess you didn't notice the swedish language part in it but i thought it was quite fun. But the movie wasn't really good. it was bad.
    can you recommend some other movies? :')
    half true :p .. i had red hair for years but i'm neither a superstar or a confidence girl.
    suck on that!

    yeah, it's pretty odd cause i have no trouble sleeping in the weekends but maybe that's because i stay up late, ah smart. whatever you do when you can't sleep, don't stay in bed. get up, drink a glass of milk, read a book or something. Milk is calming :D

    I totally understand that, i tried the same thing with my mom but she's not taking me seriously so i decided it's better to keep it to myself. My family knows i'm shy and they're complaining a lot about it .. but SA, no, they wouldn't understand anyho.

    Absolutely, people are so understanding here and it's the first time i feel heard.
    HAHA! Now you are exaggerating A BIT .. xD don't ya remember matt's red hair? that was just indescribable.

    hahahah i think so too! it works for me anyho xD ''what was that? that was. that was, was someone else!''
    argh, i get headaches too, i'm having one now :( it's frustrating because now i can't sleep because of it. I think way to much and i'm worried all the time. Yeah, stress too! 4 hours is a lifetime when you really want to sleep. i've tried sleeping pills but i get all dizzy and i feel drunk when i wake up.

    awh. that's just ****. hands are shaking, pulse rise, heart explodes, face losing colour, voice fails, and so on. I actually gave up college once but i had to go back after a year.
    oh really? that makes me a little sad. that must have been awful. :( does your family know about your SA? spw makes me feel better sometimes, it's great.
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