Recent content by randomguy19

  1. randomguy19

    Excessive Reaction Monitoring

    One of the problems that I've noticed with myself is that I tend to monitor others reactions to what I have said/done. In addition, I monitor my own self. When I tense up, and project nervous body language, and my mind goes blank when asked for an opinion are things that I notice while in the...
  2. randomguy19

    Running into People from the Past

    When you guys go into any semi-social environment such as a store, restaurant, or even school, does it bother you that you may run into ANYBODY in your past? My problem isn't so much people that I don't know, but rather the majority of the people in my past. These are family members that I...
  3. randomguy19

    What's this sound like?

    Ok.. When I go outside which is rare I seem to have these weird feelings.. They are becoming worse and happens almost every time I interact with people. I can't go into details because it's hard to explain but I'll do the best I can. I could be talking to someone or I could be somewhere where...
  4. randomguy19

    Scared to see my own family and friends

    Hello Everyone, Awesome site... Glad I found you guys... Now, my issue has been bothering me for about 6-7 years. It all started when I became addicted to the computer. An old friend of mine taught me a lot about the computer so from there I became addicted and dedicated all my time to it. I...