Recent content by PunkyMonkey

  1. PunkyMonkey


    I'm taking Effexor and my copay with insurance every month is 25$. It's helping me a lot now that my dosage has been increased. On Saturday morning I have an appointment to talk to my doctor about how they are working and to get a new prescription. Well, my dad has heard about a generic...
  2. PunkyMonkey

    Understanding the difference...

    I met with my new therapist this morning. We talked about my problems, and where I get anxious, and whatever. Then I filled out these little tests that rated my anxiety and depression. Well, when we were done with that, she told me that I have more of a general anxiety disorder than social...
  3. PunkyMonkey

    I need to ask someone...

    Hi guys...I'm not as new here as I seem, I used to have another account but I really disappeared when school started and I had no time to go online. I always read a lot that is said here. Anyway-mostly, I haven't really been much better. My social anxiety still gets in the way of everything...