Recent content by Polarity

  1. Polarity

    What do women want?

    ..what does a woman want?...if i knew i wouldnt be askin...but if i didnt ask i wouldnt know.. :oops: ...oh yea its for a gift btw..and shes 30something..
  2. Polarity

    goodbye to cheese

    ...on nardil now...cant eat cheese nomore... :cry: :( :cry:
  3. Polarity

    ...this is gona get me in trouble.. to yer hearts content...and remember 'a well educated populace is the best defence against tryanny...'
  4. Polarity

    What if its a REALLY. i got myself thinking my phobias are a sign im becoming more sensitive to the geopathic stress the planet is being subjected to...THE EARTH IS CRYING OUT AS WE APPROACH 22/DEC/2012...IM FEELING IT......i think?
  5. Polarity

    paranoid and sunburnt

    Hi ive been suffering with SAD for years now & wondered if paranoia could lead to psychosis, or is it the other way around? i know if i go out i get paranoid but recenlty im gettin deep feelings of fear when i wake up even if theres nuthin to fear! does anyone else get this regularly and how do...