Recent content by ozkr

  1. ozkr

    I have to write a resume but...

    I have no skills. I've been trying to write a resume but I always find myself stuck when trying to write about my skills because I don't have any. I've been searching everywhere for tips on how to write your skills down and found some sites that tell you how to use "soft skills" ,which are...
  2. ozkr

    compliments and criticism : I can't take either one!

    Most of you can understand why I can't take criticism(damn you SA!!!) , but does any of you have problem when receiving compliments? Thanks to some experiences I've had , I've been having some trouble when people compliment me on something because I just feel like they're just bullshiting me...
  3. ozkr

    What would _____ think?

    I constantly have this problem in which my taste in music ,women , art ,etc. is still shaped by the opinions of people which I haven't even talked with in years! One of those persons is my brother. He always critizised everything I did ,from the way I speak to the way I breath, and he always...