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  • Hey Rikki, I am going to write you back today. Been a bit busy, but that was by far my favorite message of yours. I also have a lot of input about something you mentioned and I think it is a good idea. Well, you will understand when you read my message later. Oh yeah, guess who is 7 years older than you now? That's right, me!
    I think my message made you sleepy! You have a nice weekend too righteo Rikki :D ....i'm not sure I used "righteo" correctly, but oh well huh! -J
    Thanks R, I got your email and I will get back to you this weekend. Enjoy the weekend and stay out of trouble...okay never mind get into a lot of trouble and report back to me with details! -J
    "Did someone say steak?" LOL!!! memba that from Deuce Bigalow? Yeah, lately you seem super tired. You must be busy, anyhow it is good to hear from you. I feel like there is some juicy gossip that I am about to hear and if there isn't I don't really care to hear from you then LOL!!! jk Look forward to talking again. :D
    Hello! I got back atcha, it took me like two hours. I am a dedicated writer like you are at bodybuilding. I think the highlight of the message was the "nunchucks in backpack". Hope you had fun yesterday....and I am out! -J
    I have ten wives who wait on me hand and foot, they are all located in Oregon. I'm not sure I can have a husband seeing as how he would be 7 years younger than me. That is not legal in the state of Oregon.
    You called me J Man. I will have to end this friendship and make you my wife. Thoughtful messages only for the Rikkinator and a couple other thousand people.
    That is hilarious, I never notice when people spell or say my name wrong. I was hoping you wouldn't notice I added a "c" to your name like you added a "ti" to mine. Remember what I said earlier though, an apple a day keeps the shin kicker away. I never said that did I? Oh yeah I wrote you back, it was one of the most well thought out letters I have written in 85 years of my life.
    You didn't catch it did you...Remember I spelled your name with a "c"? LOL!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I accept shin kicking 24/7 so I shall be prepared...you nugget. I have never been called that before, I feel special.
    Hello The "Rikkinator", it is safe to say you can kick me in my shins now. I'll get back to you soon, I am good at writing lengthy novels.
    I'm still hopeful that one day i will wake up and just get on with the day without worrying about anything. I have been getting better recently, i've been going out a lot more it's still difficult but it feels good to be making an effort instead of staying indoors all day being scared of the world!

    I have a few things i'm into, the usual really i love music, i'm really looking forward to the world cup, but my biggest passion would have to be for animals, especially my bunnies hehe

    What about you? what are you into?
    I agree, if you can get passed the major hurdles in life then it does give you a sense of achievement and hopefully feeling like that can help to try and pass other obstacles in the way. It just sucks sometimes that it is a lot of hard work, it would be nice to just get up in the morning and function like everyone else lol

    You're more than welcome for the compliments, i'm sure you're used to them by now hehe

    I always try to stay positive even though inside i feel the total opposite lol I'm tired of being dragged down over silliness, i want to be more positive and more able to cope with the let downs! I guess i've survived so many disappointments in my life that now i am sctually seeing that i can get passed them and survive lol

    Awww you're soooooo welcome about the posts i made in the "guys" thread, i didn't realise it was you who i was talking to until i saw your new pic ::eek:: now i'm embarrassed because you are so good looing ::eek::

    The funny thing is, i know to other people it seems like it's a hard life to live but for me i'm used to it, it's the way i have always been and although it can be hard sometimes i'm used to being let down. The only problem is that when things are going good in my life i seem to sabotage it because i want to get in there before i'm the one to get hurt *rolls eyes* blooming SA does my head in lol

    You're so nice *hugs* it's good to meet someone who has suffered with agoraphobia on here, i don't know why but we don't seem to post as much as others on the forum!

    Do you still feel like you suffer with SA? or do you feel like you have some control over it now?
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