Recent content by minnow

  1. minnow

    Advice Wanted!

    I just went to my first therapist today and he is really nice, but wants me to consider medication. He is going to talk to the psychatrist before our next appointment to see what would help me. I have had bad experiences with drugs such as seroquel and celexa and do not really want to take any...
  2. minnow

    Is it agoraphobia?!

    I have read a lot of post of people who have SAD and are housebound because they are afraid of meeting people. This includes me. But when I googled various stuff it classified agoraphobia as being scared of being trapped in a situation you can't get out of and more physical fears such as being...
  3. minnow

    Semi housebound and bored

    I have only left home 8 times this year, and I normally spend my time cleaning, reading, watching TV or playing with my cats and dogs. For some reason today I can't find anything to do and I have to get off the computer soon. Are any of you housebound? What do you do all day?
  4. minnow

    Does you family believe you, that you have SAD?

    I started this thread because even though I have a formal diagnose, my mom thinks I am just to lazy to go anywhere and my believes me but blows it off like it's not important and I could do it if I tried. And they both get upset when I won't make a call or go into a store etc. Does anyone...
  5. minnow

    Another Newbie

    Hello Everyone, My name is Kaela. I am a 19 year old girl living in rural Kentucky. I only recently was diagnosed with SAD.. I took the Jung Personality Test and scored Introverted 78 Sensing 1 Feeling 50 Judging 11 type ISFJ Umm, I haven't been diagnosed with...