That mix sounds absolutely beautiful! I can understand where you are coming from completely. Like I said before, people have always said I look Asian, some think Spanish, some say Native American, my father in law thinks I look Alaskan! So much controversy over what my head looks like! It's always made me feel uncomfortable. Living in Australia didn't make it easier, I love the place, but it has one of the more racist populations in the world I think. Blond hair and blue eyes is what is 'accepted' as being a true Australian here. I've had more than a few racist commets toward me because of my looks. As I have a white dad and had nothing to do with my mother or her culture growing up, being bullied for being a 'foreigner' made me miserable and I cried a lot about it, and it was SO confusing. I was cautious about walking past typical 'white' Australians in case they made a mean comment to me. But anyway, I've come to sort of like the way I look now. Do you struggle with the whole thing?