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  • Woah, sorry I haven't been on this site for a while! That stinks you had to retake your exam in August- how did the second time around go? I'm pretty bad at video games too, but I love to play them anyway. I go to kongregate.com to play casual games but I've never ventured into the world of Starcraft. Kudos to you!
    Hey, thanks for the support! I hope you are feeling better and good luck with job hunt! :)
    I have some games for the PC, but mostly it's on PS3. I have Half-Life 2 I'm trying to get through, but unfortunately I haven't had much time for games. I'm looking at that L.A. Noir game and I'm hoping to try that out soon! So you do Online games? I haven't done a whole lot of MMORPGs, but they look like they could be fun... and highly addictive. You any good at SC2? I'd be terrible at it! :D Good to know you can balance games and school. This summer is going to be all video games for me.
    Good luck with tests- I hope you pass them all!
    For music I'm a wildcard, I like Oldies and rock and classic, lately I've been listening to funk though (Youtube Grooveline by Heatwave if you have the chance). As for games, I play mainly RPGs and FPSs. I grew up with the Final Fantasy franchise so I love most of those games. Law sounds very difficult! Good luck with such a prestigious degree- that should be really rewarding once you get through all that work!
    Ooh- what are you studying? I hope to get my degree by the end of next year but it will be a long, long time. I watch movies a lot now because that's my minor! What's your favorite genre, I can't get enough of comedy but I'm starting to look at other kinds of movies. Games are the best distraction-I can play video games for hours (and I sometimes mute the sound and play my own music over it). You get the line of questioning- what kind of games and music do you like?
    Luckily I've got a job that I can handle. It deals with customer service, which can be pretty tricky for me but I'm nowhere near as nervous as I used to be, and I really enjoy it. But I go to work and I go to school and that's about it. You?
    I'm doing alright despite SA. I'm trying to keep myself busy. But I understand what you mean about social interaction not feeling like it's worth the effort! Some days are better than others, but I don't think today's my day...
    I think Leave Me Alone is a pretty good screen-name. (I'm jealous I didn't think to use it first!)
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