Recent content by Juggalo

  1. Juggalo

    The Trinity concept - is it Pagan?

    I had a non-productive discussion with somebody who PMed me on this forum about God. So I felt an urge to create a thread about this. Currently Im unable to make myself believe in God, although I want to. But heres the deal. I've never accepted the idea of the Trinity, that Jesus is somehow God...
  2. Juggalo

    Show Me A God

    "SHOW ME A GOD!! AHHH!! IM KINDA FEELIN THAT IT IS A FACADE!! AND IF IT ISNT WHY AINT HE DOIN HIS JOB?? SHOW ME A GOD, PLEASE!! LET ME KNOW SOMEONES THERE WHEN IM DOWN ON MY KNEES!!" - TECH N9NE I feel so mad and depressed at the same time today. I'm depressed about being 22 now, my birthday...
  3. Juggalo

    "Approach Anxiety" problem

    This is a common problem for shy guys, guys who struggle with social phobias I know. It can be exceedingly difficult to approach a woman and just chat her up, let alone ask her out. The point i want to get to in this thread is this: If you're a virgin with no previous experience dating or...