Recent content by jamez

  1. jamez

    Let's be real.

    Just a little something I put together. television has you chasing dreams video games got u occupied you're living in fear you have anxiety you sit around you wait and wait for something and life it just passes you by you wake up one morning you don't know if this is life or if you're still in...
  2. jamez

    Who would like this twenty-dollar bill?

    This is taken from Paulo Coelho's book, Like the Flowing River. Thought I'd share it and would be apropiate here. There was a lecturer who began a seminar by holding up a twenty-dollar bill and asking: 'Who would like this twenty-dollar bill?' Several hands went up, but the lecturer...
  3. jamez

    Feel like I'm cursed

    Murphys' Law - Anything that can go wrong WILL go wrong. This is how I'm feeling right now. Seems like I can't get anything right. Feels like I keep getting dealt a bad hand after a bad hand. I'm not even normally a superstitious type but what the hell is up with this?
  4. jamez

    I feel so useless

    I don't know why I even bother doing the things I do. I'm tired of trying. The relief is temporary and the pain is permanent. I just wanna go sleep and never wake up.
  5. jamez

    Cool folks I look up to

    Here's a few celebs I like. Johnny Depp - A lil eccentric but cool at the same time. All the girls love him. Brad Pitt - Cool guy. Robbie Williams - Another cool guy. Gets all the chicks. Colin Farrel - Ditto. James Dean - Original King of cool. Could get any chick. Elvis Presley - Had girls...
  6. jamez


    ... I don't even know what my problem is really...maybe I've got too much time on my hands. I haven't done crap all for the last couple of days.
  7. jamez


    No job, no income and no life... Life is great aint it?
  8. jamez

    Hi There ***Questions***

    Hi, I'm new here. I never knew there was so many of the people who have SA. I didn't really think much of it and thought it was more to do with just shyness and depression. But I had a look at some of the symptons on this site and there were a few I recognized. So, is this something you need...