Cool folks I look up to


Well-known member
Here's a few celebs I like.

Johnny Depp - A lil eccentric but cool at the same time. All the girls love him.
Brad Pitt - Cool guy.
Robbie Williams - Another cool guy. Gets all the chicks.
Colin Farrel - Ditto.
James Dean - Original King of cool. Could get any chick.
Elvis Presley - Had girls throwing panties at him. Could get any chick.

These are a few of my role models.


You look up to them just because they can get girls or for other reasons aswell?

I look up to eminem.Not because of the whole bad boy ganster image.But because of the fact he isnt scared to say whats on his mind.. he will say whatever he wants to.I know he offends some people especialy homosexuals which might not be right (but i do think hes joking more than anything).But its a quality i wish i had, to have the courage to always speak my mind.

Im a big fan of Eric Cantana (old united football player).He truley was a magical player with such skill and passion.. with the ability to and frequently did turn matches around singlehandedly.


Well-known member
I just think they're generally cool, I like the image they project.

I'm also a big fan of Eminem but I don't look up to him as such. I wouldn't want to be him.


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How about Peter Griffin and that dad on American dad. Those guys are pretty funny albeit a little sexist.

I wouldn't want to be Tony Blair.


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Lao Tse and all those asian philosophers: so much to learn from them, it´s inspiring to read anything of what these guys said, and heh, 2k years ago.

Mark Twain: also, you can learn alot from this guy´s quotes.

Stalin: not much for the political part but most for his personality. Humble, modest, easy going and attentious, "a man whom children would like to seat on his lap, and dogs sleep by his chair", donno who said this.

Abraham Lincoln and George Washignton: dont know much about any of these, but they like cool guys(came to mind, washigtong actually thanked his doctors, the same who killed him for draining half of his blood away)

My grandmother: good god, in one day this woman works more than i do in a month. And i always remember her with a smile in her face.

Kakashi: because he is a ninja, kicks ass and looks alot like me :D


sqeakyfish.. im a real dumb ass when it comes to polatics,but i can see some reasons for picking tony blaire.He probaly is the best mp weve had for quite a few years.But.. what lets him down in my eyes is him being bush's lapdog.. bush tells blaire to jump.. blaire asks how high :?
Also i dont agree with the war in iraq.. and the fact he lied about the reasons for going to war.Then again i guess these points are just opinions.


Active member
I'm fascinated by Johnny Depp too, but there's something more than just cool edgey about him..........he always appears nervously SP to Me!


Well-known member
hey, it seems that there are many fans of Johnny Depp among us! Thats great :D

allanboy 8O 8O 8O you shouldnt have mentioned Stalin - his regime killed millions of people.The description of him which you gave is BULLSHIT. His most popular expression was - a death of one man is a tragedy, a death of million people - statistics


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George MacDonald -- Scottish fiction writer.
Plato -- Greek Philosopher, Theologian, Metaphysician.
St. Clement of Alexandria -- Greek philosopher, Theologian, poet, teacher
Bono -- Irish rockstar.
Robert Ingersoll -- American Free-Thinker, Orator.
Catherine Zeta-Jones -- Welsh Big-tittied bombshell.


Well-known member
I'm fascinated by Johnny Depp too, but there's something more than just cool edgey about him..........he always appears nervously SP to Me!
Yeah i know what you mean and also think that's a lot of what I like about him.

People i look up to:

Dalai Lama - Very wise man and I really like his book about happiness.
Woody Allen - Just think he's a cool fingure - nervous, clever, different. Not that I've seen that many movies with him, but think I will :)
Linus Torvald - The genius geek who started developing linux. He is a geek, but got skills.
Bill Watterson - or maybe Calvin. There would have been something missing in my childhood if calvin and hobbes didn't exist. I also respect the way Bill Watterson have said no to the making of calvin and hobbes merchandise and how he seems to be able to avoid the press.


Well-known member
dzerklis said:
allanboy 8O 8O 8O you shouldnt have mentioned Stalin - his regime killed millions of people.The description of him which you gave is BULLSHIT. His most popular expression was - a death of one man is a tragedy, a death of million people - statistics

yeah, i know that, but still, i cant the image of good guy stalin out of my mind.