Recent content by Hylke

  1. Hylke

    Quit the crying and laugh already!

    How much can you laugh at yourself SPW? Don't you ever take a step back, look at yourself and just laugh? I certainly do. Whenever I am like: Boohooohoo; don't have any friends/nobody likes me/virgin forever/what will they think about me/so nervous for this presentation etc. I just point at...
  2. Hylke

    A question to the good looking.

    I'm wondering, I posted earlier in the 'show your picture' thread that I find it unlikely that people like the people posting pics in this thread would ever have a SA. Sure te people posting pics are the ones that look good because they have the nerve to do it, but that only enforces my...
  3. Hylke


    Recently I have taken a liking into magic mushrooms, and since I live in the Netherlands these are freely available for me. Anyway, I think I am becoming addicted to them, something which is theoretically impossible. You see, there are two kinds of addiction; mental and physical. Magic...