Recent content by gardnerj

  1. gardnerj

    Enneagam personality

    I think we're all type four's. Read this. It might shed some light. edit: more:
  2. gardnerj

    Before you knew you had AvPD

    Did you deny your low self-esteem and shyness before you knew you had AvPD? I seem to have a selective memory.
  3. gardnerj

    The Lunch Table

    Did anyone else loathe this? I can remember this uncomfortable feeling every single day. I hated lunch. I would just sit and watch all the cool kids and their big family of people, lined up like sardines. There's something with me. Small talk is like pulling teeth. Even if there isn't...
  4. gardnerj

    Do we all differ in what offends us?

    If a teacher is giving me feedback, i usually don't take it personally. Otherwise there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what offends me. I'm curious what offends all of you. Do you know?
  5. gardnerj

    Not sure if I have this disorder

    So socially, its pretty bad for me. I show all the signs, and I have a lot of cognitive dissonance. But as far as unfamiliar things go, I'm not that afraid. I did prolong drinking and changing my major, but I'm generally either ambivalent or excited to go places. Does anyone feel this way?
  6. gardnerj

    Do you think people know?

    That you have AvPD? I've gotten comments from people like "I'm not tryin to be an asshoel, jeez" and such. I wonder if its obvious for us.
  7. gardnerj

    mid-date rejection

    question - what do you do when you're in the middle of a date and she says "it sounds like you have no confidence in yourself." in the middle of a date?!