I've decided to start avoiding people


The reason being is because I get obsessed too easily...Doesn't matter if I barely know them, if It's someone that I've just recently met I'll obsess over them and not stop thinking about them.

The worst part of all is that I know that I suffer from this, yet I can't seem to find anything to take my mind off it. It's just an endless cycle that doesn't seem to have an end in sight. ::(: The obsession and thoughts are not sexual in nature. I'm constantly thinking if I said something wrong that might have pissed them off or something along those lines.


Well-known member
Oh, no...don't do that..... I know the feeling of "it can't get any worse than this" very well, but that's what I did as a college freshman and believe me it made it a whole lot worse! And next thing you know, you're sulking over facebook photos of old buddies from junior high who are living it up, making you feel like just a lump of flesh wasting space on earth. :\

....The best advice I can think of which seemed to have made a difference in my moods and thought processes is to clean up your diet. Avoid foods that contain: MSG, wheat/gluten, soy lecithin, refined sugar. These really eff up your mood stability. And when you buy fruits and veggies, make sure they're certified organic.

I know this obviously won't solve everything but I think it's an important place to start so that you can think more clearly and then deal with problems in more adaptive ways. I still deal with my obsessive thoughts similar to yours (worrying about how my tone sounded, if I didn't make enough eye contact) but I can finally laugh off my embarrassing moments now and move on.


Nooo, don't give up. I have the exact same problem you do (over analyzing situations is my specialty). The thing you have to realize is that most people are too self-absorbed in their own worlds to care. Anyone who is willing to become friends w/ you generally has a pretty positive opinion of you as a person - and it's rare for them to actually notice small things. If they sounded happy the last time you talked then all is good.

It's ok to like a person and occasionally think over your relationship w/ them. It's also ok to realize you have sa and call your emotions for what they are. But other people might have anxieties too. Whenever my thoughts start to get negative I usually try to find something else to do (read, listen to music, work, watch something, do something creative whatever).
You should learn to find trust in the people around you and have trust and faith in yourself. Maybe you should seek help? :)
I'm going to follow therapy soon too, so I'll be working on it :) But the most important thing is having faith !


Pirate from the North Pole
I think the solution to your problem is more in the opposite direction.
I think that if you go on trying to be in contact with people, and also try to live your life fully and do activities that you like etc, you will be happier but you will also have more things on your mind, so you won't have time to obsess on these things anymore. If it makes sense. I mean, I still have these kind of thoughts very often, but I don't obsess about it anymore, I mean I am able to not care too much about it.

....The best advice I can think of which seemed to have made a difference in my moods and thought processes is to clean up your diet. Avoid foods that contain: MSG, wheat/gluten, soy lecithin, refined sugar. These really eff up your mood stability. And when you buy fruits and veggies, make sure they're certified organic.

As unrelated as it may sound, it helped me a lot too (to stop worrying so much after being in contact with human beings, to stop or diminish depression, etc)


Well-known member
Oh my god I do the same thing! I'll get to know someone the tiniest bit and then become obsessed with trying to become friends with them! I'm obsessed with this girl who lives on my floor in my dorm room and I feel like such an idiot! I also think she doesn't like me anymore so I'm trying to forget the whole thing.