Issues with holding on (toliet) when being social


Well-known member
Ive always had this. I just wonder if other people can relate?
Basically when ever I go over to other people's houses - ever since I was a teenager- i would always get these bad cramps in my stomach and feel the need to have to pee all the time. Be really desperate and keep needing to go all the time. Yet going to the bathroom having trouble relieving myself. Like as if out of my control Im so tense in my body that my bladder muscles have tensed up so much that I cannot relax them I guess.

Even to the point where when I later get home and in my own environment it can actually take even a whole day to come down from this and actually relax internally. Even doing those relaxation techniques and stuff- its really really hard to relax inside my body like I just dont even realise and have no control of how tense my body is. And then also, later once Im in my own environment again I can also get these shivers - like Ive tensed all my muscles up for a period of time and now I my body is recovering from that?

Anyone else get these things? ��
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Well-known member
I have a friend who has the same issue. Not only in other people's houses, he has problems especially riding the public transport like bus etc. and can't get in one if he is already anxious or else he gets down very often to go to some place's toilet, then comes back without making it. He doesn't have problems in places he feels safe in.

I also feel like recovering physically after social situations I was not comfortable though it doesn't hit me in the bladder.


Well-known member
Yeah I think it's funny to put a post on toilet issues but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
With me it's that I just have too much tensing in my body internally that I physically cannot release myself or completely empty my bladder. So I end up with these uncomfortable feelings of needing to go but cannot and being so cramped and bloated.


Well-known member
It most likely results from tensing in body and muscles as you said which is common in anxious sitautions. I would think relaxation techniques help but you said you tried them and I don't know any specific ones.. but yeah there are others having it too.