I feel like I'm falling into a depression


Well-known member
My life has gotten better over this year, but yet I can't stop feeling depressed. Its these damn thoughts, these voices in my head came back after being gone for 3 months. I thought they were gone, I was a fool. They always tell me I can't get rid of them and now I know they are not lying. They want me to kill myself, I can't sleep, I can't even think. I don't know how much more of these voices I can handle. I'm pathetic, these damn voices know how to control and consume me. There is no salvation for me, I can't be saved. I seem like a normal person now, but really I am suffering everyday, and everyday it just gets worse and worse. I'm falling and I'm going to do something stupid I can already feel it.


Well-known member
It sounds very troubling. Did anything unusual happen around the time when you started hearing the voices again?


Active member
You know I thought the same Dannyboy for nearly three years I thought I had fought off the same demons and its all come back with vengeance it seems, nothing I ever do is good enough. Thought I had found a good man and my life was changing for the better after a bit of crap to wade through I came out the the other end to find out its not real and I'm back on the anti depressant tabs just to keep me afloat. But I hold onto hope because I was beating it at one point so it can be done again, don't lose hope because the voices will go one day you have to not listen to them and choose your own path, their not right the voices they tell you things that aren't the case. Hold tight and you can overcome. Even if its a few days/months/weeks whatever we will beat this.


Well-known member
Maybe an increased amount of stress brought it on. You might have to take or change medications. But, I have a feeling you're going to have to learn to live with the voices. Just don't believe them and hang in there until the medication kicks in or they just die out for a while.