I can't even write my feelings!


Well-known member
because my nosey ass mom and brother read my diary!!!


does anyone else have nosey diary reading family memebers?


Well-known member
Tell them to back the fuck off! There is NO excuse for reading someone's diary. I don't keep one, but I sure as hell wouldn't read someone else's.


Well-known member
And make a fake one where you write horrible stuff about them and their nosey habits, then leave it where they can find it without too much trouble!


Get a diary, write a load of bullcrap and sick lies in there. Write how you found your brother dressed in your mother's clothes and he keeps putting pressure on you never to tell anyone, and that he reads your diary. Write in there that you've got a knife and can't wait to leek your first victim for youtube. Then leave it where someone will find it.
Yeah, it'll probably tear your family appart and leave you totally estranged, but it'll be funny.


Well-known member
That sucks. But I feel like ive done that before 8O Like, look at someone elses diary. But I cant seem to think of an specific situation. I would never do it again though....hopefully :roll:

You should make a livejournal. I have one, no one ever looks at that, lol. You can make it private too.


Well-known member
LOL!!!! ^ to Volcano and LostViking! HAhA.... that IS a good idea 8) ... but seriously no one has the right to read your diary. As someone else said hide it or get one that locks or something.
Ewws, that's disgusting, I would never ever read someones diary even if it was right in front of me. I would totally just punch her in the face. I also agree with the other people, that you should write horrible things in it. :)


Well-known member
Thats pretty outragous considering those are your private thoughts. I'd say get one with a lock and let them know you're not going to stand for anymore invasions of privacy.