Post something nostalgic


Well-known member
I love nostalgia!
Back in primary school in the early 1990s whenever we watched any programmes they'd be on a VHS and would almost always feature this ident beforehand.
Hearing this music makes me feel as though I'm back at school, eating peanut-butter sandwiches for lunch and drinking weak blackcurrant cordial.
Anyone else from the UK remember this?
ITV Schools On Channel 4 40 Second Clock - YouTube


Well-known member
OMG - ^ Pigeon Street! :D Dr. Glossop et al. So retro.

And Kinetik - RAINBOW! That used to my favourite show. I had a thing for Zippy. He was probably my first ever 'crush' (I was 3 :p)
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Well-known member
I used to watch this show called Rainbow all the time when I was a kid in the 80s, back when I lived in England. It's incredible how bizarre it is when you watch things like this again later in life. To be fair though, it's really good stuff compared to the ADD-inducing programs they make for children now.

Rainbow - The Moodies - Part One - YouTube


Well-known member
i know i've posted way too many already. i just can't help it. sorry ::p:

sweet valley high

Sweet Valley High - Season One/ 1 - Opening Intro Theme - YouTube

power rangers

power rangers intro - YouTube

good old days, when the world was quiet and all i worried about was missing an episode of my favorite cartoon show or having my mother find out that i didn't brush my teeth before i went to bed or that i snuck out of the house to buy some junk food which i hid under my pillows. *sigh* i wish it can always be that easy.