This is it for me. Although my depression is gradually lessening without the gluten and I suspect it won't be around for much longer..
But for the moment, that's my problem exactly. Especially knowing as much as I do now about health, all the time i've spent in my house is spent doing research. Well, now i've learned how we're being tricked into disease through diet causing death, by the government. Also the general destructive attitude of people towards nature... Just being in such an industrial area stops me from going outside, no nature anywhere near. It's too much for me to take on a daily basis... I'd rather hide in my house until i'm able to process these truths, hide out until I'm able to live whilst seeing the damage that hiding these truths is causing to people. Can't handle it. World is too messed up an harsh.. but at least it gives us a goal and hope for a better world, to know what it is that is behind it all. I can't tell if this is off topic but guess not, it's the cause of a lot of my depression