Anxiety in class?


Well-known member
I have this problem too :( If the professors give us something to do, I plan it way ahead. But if I really can't think of something I'd say "I don't know" which is fine. I had a few friends who told the teacher beforehand, but they send you to counselors instead and the teachers haven't been very understanding either.


Well-known member
I got picked on from my teacher... He often had a cheap shot at me because I didn't participate in class discussion.... I was too afraid to even talk...


In highschool I wrote a note for my teachers explaining my social phobia. I included my psychiatrist's phone number so that they could confirm that I was not lying. I only had to speak at school if I chose to.

In university I emailed my professors and explained my social anxiety. They were all very understanding. I had to do more work than other students because I had to do group work on my own, but other than that everything worked out great.

In Canada, social anxiety is considered a disability so teachers/professors have to accomodate you as much as they can.


Well-known member
It's a pretty daunting thought. I remember around the time I developed panic disorder at 16, I was still in school for a few months. There was a particular class in which I remember getting called on a lot to answer, or read. I hated it, as I'd get anxiety and evident symptoms.

The best thing that I've learnt, unfortunately, is to sit through it. Just go through it, go through the motions and just try to breathe and relax as much as you can. The anxiety will most definitely go down after it's climaxed. The more and more you do this, the quicker the anxiety will go away (it may take quite a while, it may not, but it will happen in the end). It's like imagining a chart, at one point in the chart, the anxiety will have risen to the peak, the highest that it can go, it must come down at some point. Keep doing these things and realising that there's no danger or perceived threat, then the anxiety will not peak as highly (in terms of intensity) and it'll go away sooner.


oh god that was the worst sitting in class just not paying attention to anything and then they randomly call out your name and i just freeze up like oh sht i dont even know what they are on about...


My college disability form prevents any teacher from calling on me in class. I still participate more than anyone else in the class, I just do it on my own, and am not randomly singled out.


Well-known member
I have entered and quit college several times. In 20 years I have 48 hours. The majority of that was back in 2007.

One of my biggest problems is I am so unfocused that I keep changing what I want to do as a major. If I followed my heart of hearts it would be psychology of all things. Instead, I have attended college for electronics, physical therapist, criminal justice, and the majority of my hours are in business management.

My main problem is I don't feel I learn anything for one, two I don't have the patience to sit there 2,4,6 years to learn this drabble. I'm the type that if I had all the required coursework in from of me I would complete it in a few weeks. My pace as A LOT faster than what is taught.


Well-known member
Oh god high school is terrible, when I'm sitting in class I feel like everyone is watching every single move I make and everything I do is weird, I'm always that quiet girl too. Walking through the isles of people is one of the worst parts of it, it's horrible if a boy I'm interested in is in that class.::(:


Well-known member
I have entered and quit college several times. In 20 years I have 48 hours. The majority of that was back in 2007.

One of my biggest problems is I am so unfocused that I keep changing what I want to do as a major. If I followed my heart of hearts it would be psychology of all things. Instead, I have attended college for electronics, physical therapist, criminal justice, and the majority of my hours are in business management.

My main problem is I don't feel I learn anything for one, two I don't have the patience to sit there 2,4,6 years to learn this drabble. I'm the type that if I had all the required coursework in from of me I would complete it in a few weeks. My pace as A LOT faster than what is taught.

I went to 6 different universities before I finally got my degree. I don't think I learned a single thing in class. Everything I learned was self taught.


Well-known member
I'm a long time out of education now but can vividly remember many awful moments in classes in the sixth form and at uni. I was ok in school apart from assembilies where I may have been called up for an award or something. In the sixth form anxiety really took hold. I had really bad anxiety in all the assembilies and in some of the classes. I remember one time we had to work in groups and I was feeling really nervy and sick. I was nearly kicked out of the group because they thought I was being lazy. Not a lot of people seem to understand if you find it hard to talk.

In university the lectures lasted three hours and I felt trapped and anxious most of the time. If I was ever called on to speak I would go bright red and give off so much heat, it was embarassing and obvious. Several times I could hear people saying things like "watch him go bright red". So I really used to dread that.


Well-known member
I hated working in groups. My last course had a lot of group work and no one gave a **** if you find it difficult. It just takes one student to snub you then the rest follow. That's what it was like for me anyway. Got a good grade in the end though.


Well-known member
I went to 6 different universities before I finally got my degree. I don't think I learned a single thing in class. Everything I learned was self taught.

Oh how I long for the days when a person could be self taught and make it in this world.

Now some of the biggest idiots I know have a degree in one thing or another.
Oh how I long for the days when a person could be self taught and make it in this world.

Now some of the biggest idiots I know have a degree in one thing or another.

I've a degree and two diplomas... But thanks to chronic insomnia and other problems, I can't make it in life. A guy I know who has zero education gets five figure monthly salaries as a vacuum cleaner salesman thanks to charms and not caring too much about ethical selling...

It goes both ways really.