Depressed around people only but ok when by urself


Anyone else feel that way? Not only are you anxious/nervous but do you also feel incredibly sad? But as soon as you're by yourself, u don't feel depressed whatsoever. It's like that with me.. when i'm by myself I feel perfect and motivated to do things. Then when i'm around others it's the complete opposite. I'm usually annoyed with myself because then i can't focus in class because of so many ppl around.


I used to be like this whenever my mum was around. I've gotten over it for the most part but still an immense feeling of joy comes over me whenever she leaves for work.

When it comes to teachers and fellow students, being able to function adequately around them is still a work in its relatively early stages progress.


Well-known member
Same here ! When I'm alone I'm comfortable, like when my mum leaves, i could say I'm kinda happy for the moment.:eek: And like ratufa said, I also wanna be around people from school in school, not somewhere else. But I don't hang out after school at all so ...::p:


Well-known member
when i'm at work there are around ten people in a small kitchen walking back and forth all day ...its a very tense environment because some of them like to rip into each other sarcastically alot and its so busy, i tend to talk in short bursts but i'm mostly quiet and mild especially when the managers are around..

i often get headaches and feel sick because the exposure to all the people is just so in your face ....but i think its because the actual job is so high pressure, well hospitality generally is in a busy establishment..

if i was there on my own i'd feel relaxed and more focussed easily.


Well-known member
Its called selective depression? I get this alot in groups, in fact, it just happened to me. I recently joined a new company and went to a company event where I just sat there by myself whereas everyone was socializing, I just felt depressed and wanted to bolt, I wonder how people will see me next Monday :eek: Worse of all, I baraly have a soul there to share my feelings with.


Well-known member
Yeah I used to get that a lot, but that was because I was paranoid of everyone's motives. I felt like they were always talking and judging about me. Also because I felt out of place, I felt like I couldn't relate to anyone which made me even more depressed. When I was alone, I was completely fine, because I have no-one to worry about, but I'd get lonely too.