Continuing to Waste life..


Well-known member
ive had this strange mix of anxiety/dysthymia/introverted disorder for as long as i can remember.this nasty mix has basically made it impossible to live a fully functional (aka happy) in my mid 30s and i work and just do basic hobbies outside.i definitely would say its extremely hard for me to enjoy life, i look at it as more of something to 'get through'.when i run into people from my past its quite strange.i usually quickly make conversation and steer it away from what ive been up to because ive been up to nothing, for a long is so bizarre to not have strong interest in relationships, family or in having kids or going out and doing things. i simply seem to be in a static state and when i look back on last 10-15 years, its like a complete waste.others have strong memories, but i dont, i remember work and doing my own thing.i feel like life has passed me by basically.i missed experiences others have had and continue to do so.anyone else in their 30s and basically feel like in a very confused state?i cant change the past but at the same time, i have no self-identity.

also, for those in their 30s, how do you explain your life to others you meet?


Well-known member
oh and dont go on as you all know already, its an absolute nightmare for people like us.
i have similar issues. I've never been interested in normal things, which to me always seemed pointless (eg "socialising"). So i just "did my own thing", which almost always involved isolation, and i guess that "trained" me to "like" (ie trust) isolation & "dislike" company.

I tried in my teens/etc to pretend i liked people's company, but fact is i never did, & still don't. I kind of view people just like wierd aliens from outer space really, very little difference. We are simple "on different planets", thinking, feeling very differently, on different "wave-lengths". Not quite as bad now that older, maybe, but then again there is less "understanding" of my our situations when you get older (ie people are less "forgiving" of our deficiencies).

I'm basically skipping the humans/society part of my life, and leap-frogging over all that directly over to god (ie via my studying of metaphysics, religions, & such) ... which is how i expect to "evolve" as a human being.


Well-known member
If feel like you're me in the future.
I'm at least 10 years younger than you, but I'm feeling my life start to slip away. My friends that are no longer my friends are travelling the world and dating and having a great time and I'm just sitting here watching. :|


I'm in pretty much the same situation.

I HATE running into people from my past, precisely for the same reason that you do-- I don't want to tell them what I've been doing with myself because it's so embarrassing. I feel like if I tell them what I have been doing they're going to think it's pathetic and if I don't tell them what I've been doing they're going to think I'm hiding the facts because my life is so pathetic.

Most of my life has been staring at screens... when I was younger I just watched TV because I didn't have friends/they were too far away, and now that I'm older I'm always online because I can't make friends.

I have been travelling though... but yeah, it's the daily living that sucks.


Well-known member
Hmmm, I was once diagnosed with chronic depressions and social phobia. Still, things improved over time.

I don't enjoy clubbing or parties either, but that doesn't mean that I don't meet friends. Instead, I meet them to cook together with them, spend time in parks, board and video evenings and so on. I enjoy those events a lot.

Since I live in a large city, I rarely run into people I don't want to run into. I can't remember that actually ever happening. The people I really wouldn't run into are from the times before I was twenty, and since then I moved into another city, so I can't meet them by coincidence.

I have an interest in relationships. But I don't care thaaat much about them. I try every now and then to find someone, and sometimes it works and I have a relationship that lasts a while. But I'm not one of those people who think that they are unable to enjoy life during the times they have no relationship.

Family? Since I moved to another city, my contact to them is limited. I phone with them once a week, and visit them three to four times a year.

About getting children I don't really care. To get children, I'd want a relationship of which I could be sure to last for at least the next 10 or 15 years. That's not that likely, so I don't think about children. I don't need them either. They cost so much fricking money and take up so much of your time.

I don't really explain my life to others. Why should I? My friends know the events I'm available for and those I am not, and my family knows me well enough too. There are no explanations needed.

All in all, I enjoy my life. It could be better. But I always try to think about those events I enjoy, and have a lot of those, and avoid the rest, except trying them from time to time anyway to grow and overcome the remaining traces of my SA. And I try to spend time with my friends, since we then do more stuff together, which strengthens the friendship and also helps me overcome the SA.

The only thing I'd really change is that I'd want to study again. Even though universities in this country are nearly free, I can't study and work that much at the same time to pay the rent and insurances and all that stuff.


Well-known member
I'm 20 and I'm not what you can call a regular teen. I have a job, get along with collegues and that's kinda my life in a nutshell.
I've never been to parties, I barely met friends outside school, basically, I was always on my own, inside. It's been like this for as long as I remember. As a kid I had more trouble initiating contact with others but on the other hand I did spent more time with friends playing soccer or something. Now that I'm older I see to be more aware of all the things I'm missing out on.
I've not been diagnosed with anything, but imo the list includes: agoraphobia, depression, avpd & Asperger's.
I don't know how to get out this mess, if it is possible. People tend to say stuff like "just do it" or "if you don't take action, nothing will happen". The 2nd is not completely true nor false. I'm afraid this is a part of who i am and if this is the case pushing yourself out of your comfortzone will not work.
The biggest problem with this however is that I can't bring up the effort to try, actually anything. I just want to give up and be left alone. But if I do that, what hope is there for the future ... :sad:
/end rant


Well-known member
^^that is my problem, my isolation and introversion IS a part of who i truly not an outgoing social creature, never will be but this is why i think i have chronic low-grade depression is because i am so different than others.the other thing is i have forced myself to do social things and ultimately dont end up enjoying them, i usually crave being home.its just the age im at and i look back and its very strange.

ignace-do you have ok social skills?
There's a party right now I had to go but I just do not feel like going, I know I'm just going to stand there and look around while others are having fun. I want to be around others and have fun but it is near impossible for me, I do not have the required skills for that. I have interest in relationships but I can't get there, I have no strong memories with anyone either. I'm in my 20s and all I can do now is focus on school, it's all I can look forward to now. When I'm in my 30s I'll probably feel the same as you.
What the **** are we all gonna do?!! Geez.. Flanscho up there seems to be the only one who has got a grip on this.. Though i wonder if he even has a problem. I hear a lot about life being all what you make it.. but I say.. If you don't have the necessary social skills, life is what it is.. It sucks.. I'm 34 and my life is just a broken record of misery and seclusion.. I wanna die. Plain and simple. i've had enough of this