Complexes The Base Root of SA Problems and how to overcome

Complexes, either inferiority or superiority complexes have been isolated to be the root cause of social anxiety. neither is good as either tries to cause a disbalance in the neuronal centers of the brain responsible for personality/mood assessment task.

In inf complexes, the person has a projection of high internal representation and shy away from the outer world with its resulting complexes.

While in sup complexes, the person has a very high distorted personality representation, a clinical situation known as megalomani.

The above two situations pose great challenges and a high clinical scale in social anxiety disorders.

To set the template for cure and correction, personality education becomes very imperative, while learning can as well help the person to cope very well.

In clinical practices, it is not a good etique to regard such persons as patients, because they don't see themselves as one. We regard them as friends, brothers, sisters, aunt or uncle depending on the relative age with the doctor.

This may sound funny, but that forms the bases to set for faster learning and faster correction.


Well-known member
I don't understand how a megalomaniac can have social anxiety?! If you think or are so deluded in thinking your great than how would that make you socially inapt?


Well-known member
How many of you have megalomaniac thought?

Do you think about how if you rule the world you would do something different or change something?

How often do you think of this?